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maintained at the stable premises at which such horse is located, and shall contain the <br /> identification number, age and condition of the horse:, Wwith a copy on file with SB4CC <br /> SBARC. <br /> (1) The rental horse business shall take immediate action to obtain veterinary treatment,care and <br /> attention when any horse is or becomes sick, diseased, lame or injured. If a horse dies while <br /> at work or in the stable area,or is involved in an accident resulting in an injury to a horse, the <br /> Division of Animal Care and Control Division of Animal Welfare shall be notified <br /> immediately. <br /> (m) A horse covered by this subchapter which is or becomes lame or suffers from a physical <br /> condition or illness making it unsuitable for work shall be removed from work by the rental <br /> horse business or may be ordered removed from work by the Division of Animal Care and <br /> Control Division of Animal Welfare. In the event of a dispute regarding such physical <br /> condition or illness,the Division may require that a rental horse be examined by a veterinarian <br /> in order to determine its ability to safely work as a rental horse. The cost of any such <br /> examination shall be borne solely by the rental horse company. A horse which has been <br /> removed from work under this division shall not be returned to work until it has recovered <br /> from the condition which caused removal from work, or until such condition has improved <br /> sufficiently that its return to work will not aggravate the condition or otherwise endanger the <br /> health of the horse. A violation of this section shall be presumed if a horse is found at work in <br /> a sick or disabled condition within forty-eight (48) hours after its removal from work for the <br /> same condition which caused such removal. Such presumption may be rebutted by offering a <br /> written statement from a veterinarian who examined the horse after the time of removal from <br /> work but prior to its return to work, which statement sets out the veterinarian's professional <br /> evaluation of the condition and his/her opinion that it was suitable for the horse to return to <br /> work prior the expiration of the 48-hour period. This statement shall be carried with the horse <br /> during the presumed 48-hour recovery period; and provided to the :' ' ': • •• . .. <br /> "n l-Gentrol Division of Animal Welfare upon request. <br /> SECTION XII. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect of and from its date of <br /> passage, approval by the Mayor, and any publication required by law. <br /> Tim Scott, Council President <br /> South Bend Common Council <br /> Attest: <br /> K eemah N. Fo e , City Clerk <br /> Office of the City Clerk <br /> Presented by me, the undersi ed clerk of the City of South Bend, to the Mayor of the <br /> City of South Bend, Indiana on the q a day of 'Z kt , 2019, at d2 <br /> o'clock p . m. <br /> •7l. <br /> OPilareemah N. Fowler, City Clerk <br /> Office of the City Clerk <br /> Approved and signed by me on the (234day of 31,1 , 2019, at 3 o'clock <br /> .m. <br /> 751( <br /> Pete'Buttigieg, INjgcor <br /> City of South Bend, Indiana <br /> 1st READING 1146112°11p <br /> PUBLIC HEARING 19011076116 <br /> 3 rd READING 02.6iq <br /> NOT APPROVED <br /> REFERRED <br /> PASSED /10d (,33 <br />