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No person shall interfere with an Animal Control Officer Animal Welfare Officer in the <br /> pursuit of his/her duties as an officer. <br /> Sec. 5-106. Impoundment. <br /> (a) Animals found in cruel, abusive or neglectful situations,animals trained,bred or kept for the <br /> purpose of animal fighting, animals considered potentially dangerous, animals abandoned as <br /> a result of owner arrest, or animals that have been abandoned may be promptly seized, <br /> provided, however, that the Animal Control Officer Animal Welfare Officer shall leave <br /> written notice. <br /> (b) Animals so removed will be impounded and held at the ' ' ': • : • •• . . - . . <br /> Division Animal Welfare or a designated facility, provided, however, that in no event shall <br /> this period exceed five(5) calendar days, at which time the animal shall become the property <br /> of the ` -.. . .. -• . • -'•-. • : Division of Animal Welfare. An animal may be held <br /> longer if an extension is necessary for the Animal Control Officer Animal Welfare Officer to <br /> have ample time to prepare a court case if prosecution is warranted, or a request for a bond <br /> has been filed as provided in paragraph (e) of this section. In the case of animals impounded <br /> for quarantine at the Division of Animal Care and Control Division of Animal Welfare, the <br /> animal will become the property of the Division if not claimed by closing time of the Division <br /> on the eleventh(11 th) day of the quarantine.... <br /> (c) Animals impounded for reasons of tragedy beyond the control of the owner, such as but not <br /> limited to house fire or death of the owner, will be held for seven (7) calendar days during <br /> which time a reasonable effort will be made to contact the owner and/or their representative <br /> to make reclaim or make alternative housing arrangements. After the seventh (7 th) day of <br /> impoundment, the animals will become the property of the ' • ••••. • - . <br /> Control Division of Animal Welfare. <br /> (d) Animals awaiting disposition by the courts shall remain in the custody of the Division-o€ <br /> Animal Care and Control Division of Animal Welfare, unless such disposition is made, or <br /> placed in a foster home until legal arrangements have been completed. <br /> (e) Pursuant to impoundment of an animal under paragraph (a) of this section, the Division-of <br /> Animal Care and Control Division of Animal Welfare may file a petition with the court <br /> requesting that the owner or custodian of the animal post a bond to cover the costs of care of <br /> the animal while it is in the custody of the Division. <br /> (2) <br /> a. Bond must be posted within a maximum of three (3) business days following the <br /> bond hearing judgment. If bond has not been posted within the allotted three (3) <br /> business days, the animal shall immediately become the property of the Derision-of <br /> • - . . - . Division of Animal Welfare. <br /> b. Bond must be posted at the ' ' •. • . • -•- . . - . • . . Division of Animal <br /> Welfare in cash or certified funds only. The bond shall be deposited into the budget <br /> for the `' ' . • ••- . . - • . . Division of Animal Welfare, in a <br /> subaccount specific for each case. The Division may draw on this account to cover <br /> the actual expenses incurred in the care of the animal. <br /> d. Upon conviction of the accused,the court or hearing body,at its discretion may order <br /> any remaining bond money and/or the animal(s) forfeited to the <br /> Care and Control Division of Animal Welfare. <br /> (4) This section applies to any and all animals housed at the S: . • : --: `' •- - • •• • <br /> Care and Control Shelter Animal Resource Center, or under the direction of the South <br /> • . e' ' . • -• . . - . Division of Animal Welfare at a remote <br /> facility, irrespective of the agency that seized the animals. <br /> (6) When a community cat is captured, such animal need not be impounded but may be <br /> returned to its owner or community cat caretaker if,in the opinion of the d <br /> control o fi er Animal Welfare Officer, the return would not present a danger to the <br /> public, continued or repeat public nuisance, or otherwise result in a violation of this <br /> eChapter. <br /> 13 <br />