<br /> are very thick and voluminous, and they have just sort of been carried forward and amended over
<br /> time. So, the idea is to amend the plan that the communities have used for the many years to get a
<br /> simpler function and ease of access. To answer your question, once the plan is adopted then and it
<br /> moves to the Redevelopment Commission in their regular meeting process, as they undertake
<br /> projects and expend TIF, they have hearings and meetings about that. That is the public
<br /> engagement at that point. The plan will always be there and, at some point, the plan for each area
<br /> might change or the idea the Commission has for an area might change significantly enough that,
<br /> it requires a plan amendment. Unfortunately, as Tim alluded to earlier, it used to be that the
<br /> Redevelopment Statute had a very short and abbreviated process that still required a public hearing
<br /> to amend the plan. That has been taken away. So, now for every action to amend the plan, add to
<br /> take away properties to the list, expand or reduce the TIF area, it takes up to three (3) months to
<br /> go through that process. As far as carrying out the plan goes, it would be the Redevelopment
<br /> Commission and their meetings in how they engage the public that way.
<br /> Councilmember Karen White stated, I want to piggyback off of Councilmember Broden's
<br /> comments. What would happen if we, as a Council, identify expectations in terms of the process?
<br /> We know that you don't have any authority over the Redevelopment Commission,but we do have
<br /> two (2) Council appointees. That community engagement piece would be ongoing, and it would
<br /> be at a time when our citizens can participate, but then also that information would come back to
<br /> the Council as well. That could just be a point of agreement from a standard operating perspective.
<br /> I think I understand what Councilmember Broden is saying. After action is taken, then it is up to
<br /> the Redevelopment Commission to go through the public hearing process as well and we only
<br /> receive information through the minutes. I don't know if that is something we have to discuss as
<br /> well.
<br /> Mr. Corcoran replied, I think whoever remains,from a Council perspective,on the Redevelopment
<br /> Commission, I mean I think that is why they are there is to help the interaction between the
<br /> Commission and the Council. That is my understanding as to why the Council has appointees.
<br /> Councilmember White followed, We do have those representatives, but I think we are looking at
<br /> having a better understanding of the process in place in terms of starting the public hearing, the
<br /> confirming resolution and the public hearing. That process would like to be more clearly defined
<br /> than what it has been.
<br /> Councilmember Voorde stated,One(1)thing we've always felt is the Redevelopment Commission
<br /> meetings should be at a time where more of the public can participate.
<br /> Councilmember Broden asked, Can I follow up with a second (2nd) question, please? So, I
<br /> understand, and thanks for this discussion,but I understand the importance of the broad document
<br /> as a plan. It is very consistent across the full area, so, to your point. But,however, I do think since
<br /> I heard it's a three(3)month process to go back in and even tweak an element of this overall plan,
<br /> the Redevelopment Commission has that authority to make those amendments over time. So, I
<br /> guess, I'm really wanting to make sure that this document is as full and as complete as possible.
<br /> I'm just going to touch on a couple things that appear to be missing in here that could be considered
<br /> as additions. To what we were just talking about,updating the schedule, and I think I need to have
<br /> a better sense of the existing plans and when and if they will be updated. For instance, the East
<br /> Bank Village Master Plan 2008, we've been hammered over the head that it is outdated, but, it is
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