<br /> Councilmember Broden followed up, So, when you talk about the amendment, is it to these
<br /> individual plans? Or, what about the existing or current plans? Or, is this document a substitute
<br /> plan?
<br /> Mr. Corcoran replied,Yes,these arc proposed to amend and become the plan for each development
<br /> area.
<br /> Councilmember Broden stated, Let me go a little bit further then. So, what is the duty of the
<br /> department to actually interface with the public, on an ongoing basis, over the twenty (20) or
<br /> twenty-five(25) years of this plan's duration? Do you know what I'm saying?
<br /> Mr. Corcoran replied, Not exactly.
<br /> Councilmember Broden then stated, I'll try one (1) more time. So, this is a plan that goes with
<br /> these TIF Districts. What is the length of these TIF Districts?
<br /> Mr. Corcoran replied, River West is 2037, one (1) is 2035, West Washington is 2025. All these
<br /> plans do expire. Now, the point of the plan is really just to say that funds can be spent in these
<br /> districts that relate to these goals. TIF expenditures are outlined in State Law as to what we can
<br /> and can't spend money on.
<br /> Councilmember Broden stated, Ok, but I guess I'm still a little hung up on the community
<br /> participation in an ongoing process. If my understanding is correct, this kicks to the
<br /> Redevelopment Commission to evaluate whether or not, I mean, I get the overall goals and
<br /> objectives, right? But, the burden shifts from elected officials, with the exception of the two (2)
<br /> appointed to the Council, and the community engagement participation at the neighborhood level,
<br /> heretofore individual plans. And, some of them are up to date and some of them are not up to date,
<br /> right? But, if this document, let's say for River East, becomes the overall plan of direction for our
<br /> Redevelopment Commission then, the process, in some regards in how the Commission currently
<br /> meets and when they meet, actually removes a real high level of engagement by the community. I
<br /> guess I have a concern about that.
<br /> Mr. Corcoran replied, We aren't redefining what the Redevelopment Commission does.
<br /> Councilmember Broden interjected, We can't do that, by law. So, I'm actually just stating what I
<br /> think is the obvious.
<br /> Mr. Corcoran replied,One(1)thing to note is that, for instance, any neighborhood plan or any plan
<br /> that gets developed also is in that. I think we're adopting the plans we have in place that are, per
<br /> district, in those districts. Any planning effort that has been done in the recent past is being folded
<br /> into this as well as it would be. The public engagement comes when those plans are being
<br /> developed. These plans are basically saying these goals and objectives, which are very high-level,
<br /> are met. And, these are the activities in which TIF can be used. It's really not changing that at all.
<br /> The public participation comes in during the specific project. That is my understanding.
<br /> Randy Rompola, Barnes & Thornburg with offices located at 100 North Michigan Street, stated,
<br /> I'm helping with the documentation for the amendment process. The plans that are currently in
<br /> existence for development, because South Bend was an earlier adopter and user of the
<br /> Redevelopment Statute and was trying to qualify for federal grants that no longer exist,those plans
<br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana46601 p 574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567
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