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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> tucked in here as a reference document for the Redevelopment Commission, but we know it is <br /> already in need of update. So, I guess I would like to know, not just that plan but the other plans, <br /> that exceed ten (10) years in date, what is the overall plan? How will they be updated? Is there a <br /> pace or a schedule to update them? I know Council had heretofore requested that those be updated. <br /> And if we're being asked to, going forward, reference those, I think they need to be up to date. <br /> And if they're not going to be referenced, and this is going to be sort of the guiding golden <br /> document, I think that needs to be made known to our community. I guess I'm just not clear, at the <br /> point, the status of this document, to those others. In the Goals and Objectives section, if we look <br /> at land use and growth, I guess I would like to see either a stronger statement in there about green <br /> space,but I know it's in other areas of the document, section six (6) and seven(7). <br /> Mr. Corcoran replied, One (1) thing is, in order to make these amendments, we would have to <br /> reboot the entire three (3) month process,just so you know. <br /> Councilmember Broden followed up, Ok, well I'm going to continue, alright? Knowing it takes <br /> three (3) months to reboot the process. Two (2), in the section on transportation, I see the word <br /> balanced transportation but I'm not certain, if we were to look at Council's recent action on <br /> Climate Action, whether or not we would want balanced and if we would like to actually lean <br /> toward mass transit or active transportation systems. So, the word balanced, I have a question <br /> related to that. Then in the area of housing, I know we have the word abilities in there. I'm not <br /> certain, though, that we are inclusive of all, what I would consider, vulnerable populations or <br /> populations difficult to house. I think we benefit from a very strong and assertive goal tucked in <br /> there that talks about those challenged or vulnerable populations. In terms of economic <br /> development, I think I would like to see a stronger statement on inclusivity. I guess inclusive covers <br /> it all but I'm not so certain it is very strong in that entrepreneurship statement, either. Then on the <br /> sustainability and environmental management, something really positive about greenhouse gas <br /> would be my preference. Then the last piece would be on the education and training. You have the <br /> all ages. I think if we were really to look at the formal definition of Pre-K, we can actually put a <br /> statement in there that is early childhood/Pre-K to grade twelve(12). Early childhood would be an <br /> additional term I would put in there. That is because Pre-K is really known to be a specific age <br /> level. So, early childhood gets to some of our more challenging issues, locally. Those are just <br /> statements, I prefer to offer and would like Council to consider whether or not those priorities of <br /> mass transit, early childhood education, and the things I just enumerated might also be priorities. <br /> If we are going to send this document to the Redevelopment Commission, I hope our priorities as <br /> a community get followed up on with dollars. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic stated, I don't disagree with the priorities. From my understanding, the <br /> language is relatively open to allow for this Council, this Administration, and future Councils and <br /> Administrations to have flexibility in their decisions. I, again, think those are all very good points <br /> and I think those can be implemented using the current language in the plan. That is my take on <br /> the document as it currently stands. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor <br /> of or in opposition to the legislation. <br /> Abe Frofer,2409 Mishawaka Avenue, stated,Thank you, Mr. Ferlic. I was at the meeting Tim had <br /> in River Park. It was very well done and was good information. I've been arguing for a TIF District <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 10 <br />