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In the event the above cross -over is constneted, it will not be necessary to remove <br />or d isturb the' present street _sewer inlet nor the present f ire hydrant- the f ire <br />hydrant to be protected from the damegs by wagons by enc Ire ling same with an adequate <br />c one rete curb•Ing- <br />Desiring to, improve thecprese. Companys service for South.Bend,at an <br />early: a date as pose ible, would .ask thRt you kindly,give our requests, as above <br />9 to ted z, <br />,.,your early cons iderat ion. . <br />Very,: roe pep tfully yours, <br />AMER ICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS COMPANY, <br />BY P. A. COLS <br />Super Intendant of Buildings.,. <br />- By unanimous consent of the . Board in cons ide.rat ion of Ordinance <br />No. 995, passed by the Common C ounc it March 24th. ,1919 it is hereby agreed to <br />appoint Miss -Veronica C. Sweeney as Clerk in the Track Elevation matters, the appoint- <br />ment to be affect Iva this 25th. , day of March 1919 under the c one 1derit ion prow idea <br />in said ord ina ice.. <br />Permission was granted by the Board to Street Commissioner D. C. <br />Layton to purchase one Ford Truck -for the sua of $765.00 from the Hinkle Motor Car. <br />Company f or the use of the Street Department, <br />Resolution ordered for pavement on Studebaker Street . from Linden, <br />Avenue to. La Porte Avenue as per petit ion filed with the Board. <br />Plat of Edgewater Place Add it ion presented by. Fred W. Keller Was <br />approved by the Board. <br />The Board ordered a ten day notice sent to the Chicago, South Bend <br />and Northern Ind Lena. Railway Company t o repair tracks on Jefferson Boulvard from <br />Ma in Street to Michigan Street. -Also on Center Street and Main Street. <br />Pole and Wire inspector reported on a pole belonging to the Central <br />jTnlon Telephone Company which in the alley between La Salle Avenue and Colfax Avenue <br />on Bridge Street. Same approved io 'be removed. <br />Pet it ionfor• grade on Clover Street from Mishawaka Avenue to River <br />read and approved. <br />The Board instructed W. D. Teeple Commissioner of Buildings <br />to charge the regular price for building codes to out of town requests. <br />The C ity C iv it Engteer f filed eat imated cost of Fisher Street from <br />Me Pherson Street to Chapin Street at.....................�� 39364.0© <br />The following resolution for servioe connections wasi p#ppted by the <br />Board. <br />RESOLUTION FOR SERVICE CONNECTIONS WITH MAINS. <br />:Resolution No. 643. <br />mWEAS, the Board of Public Works on the 14t.h., day of. -January 1919 <br />did adopt a resolut ion ordering and requiring the permanent improvement -of Fellows Stoat <br />from Division Street to Dubail Avenue . , by paving the roadway of the same, and <br />the City C ifil ' Engineer - has prepared and filed In the --off ise <br />of this Board a report. s-holding the number and loceiton of the service pipes, mains <br />conduits, laterala, and. connections which are, or will be necessary to accommodate-) <br />the abutting property and the owners thoreof with gas= water;-sgwers, and ot# er con-. <br />v+enitices and necesarfes; aAd elan said: Ct civil Engit'O:W prepared ;and tiled <br />in said office -spec If jest ions- showing the der ial to b.$ uaa4 ap4the man r of I sy ing <br />said service pipes, mains, conduits,. later.. ate. connec4io ;Pro , the sal 'a to the <br />points I�s'ide of the' curb lines <br />y <br />6 <br />