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Tuesday May 25th.,1915. Continued. <br />STREET OR ALLEY IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION N0. 389. <br />4 q q <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY,STATE OF INDIANA, that it is desired and deemed necessary to improve <br />Hill Street from Corby Street to Howard Street as follows, to —wit: — <br />By grading said street from property line to property line; paving <br />the roadway from curb line to curb line with gravel three #3) inches in depth; curbing the <br />roadway with cement curb and constructing a five (5) feet cement walk on both sides of said <br />street. All,as shown on the plans, and in accordance with the profiles, detail drawings <br />and specifications on file in the office of -the Department of Public Works of the City of <br />South Bend, , Indiana. And such improvement is now ordered. <br />The cost of the improvement herein provided for, ex ept street and alley <br />intersections, shall be paid by special assessment to be levied upon the property specially <br />benefitted, tonthe amount that the.same may be legally assessed therefor, in accordance <br />with an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, ent it led "An Act Concerning <br />Municipal Corporations," approved March 6,1905, and in accordance with and pursuant to <br />the provisions of all acts amendatory and supplemnntl thereto. <br />The cost of all street and alley intersections, half of the <br />width of the improvement opposite street and alleys which run into, but do not cross said <br />roadwayherein proposed to be improved and that portion of such street or alley abutting <br />upon property belonging to said City, or upon property not subject to such assessments, shall <br />bep.paid by the City in cash out of its general fund, if able to do so, or from a fund <br />created by a special assessments to be levied under the provisions of Section 108 of the <br />above entitled Act. <br />Assessments of ten dollars and more against each lot, if deferred, are <br />to be paid in ten equal annual installments, with interest at the rate of Six per cent <br />per annum. A bond or bonds will be issued to the contractor to the amount of such deferred <br />assessments in pro rata payment for such improvement. <br />Under no circumstances shall the City of South Bend be, or be held responsi— <br />ble for and sum or sums due from said property owner or owners for said work, or for the <br />collection of the same, or for the payment of any bond, bonds, certificate or certificates <br />issued to said contractor in payment of such work, except for such moneys as shall have <br />actua ly been received by the City from assessments for such improvement, or such moneys <br />as said City is by said entitled Act and amendments and supplements thereto required to pay. <br />All proceedings had, and work done in the making of said improvement, assessment of pro— <br />perty, collection of assessments and issuance of bonds therefor, shall be as provided for^in <br />said above entitled Act, and Acts amendatg7 thereof and supplemettl thereto. <br />Be It Further Resolved. Thafg the Board of Public Works fix the 22nd. <br />day of June,1915 at the,hour of 7:45 P.M. at the office of the Board of Public Works of <br />this City, as the time and place for the public consideration of said proposed improvement, <br />at which said Board of Public Works will hear all persons interested, or whose property <br />is liable to be assessed for said improvement, and will decide whether the benefits to the <br />property liable to be assessed for said improvement will equal the estimated cost thereof. <br />Be It Further Resolved. That notice of the time and place of such public <br />consideration be published and mailed in the manner provided by law. Notice of this resolu- <br />tion shall be published on the 20th. day of May,1915 and on the 4th. day of June,1915 in the <br />South Bend Daily Tribune. <br />Adopted this 25th, day of May91915. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. <br />