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680 <br />Tuesday May 25th.,1915• Continued. <br />STREET OR ALLEY IMPROVEMENT'RESOLUTION NO. 307.0 <br />$; Be It Resolved by the Board of Public Works of the City of South Bend, St. Joseph <br />County, State of Indiana, that it is desired and deemed necessary to im:Frove Lincoln <br />Way West from. the east line of Olive Street to the west City limits, as follows, to -wit <br />By grading the roadway 42-1/2 feet wide and paving a strip of the roadway 18 <br />feet wide with concrete pavement 7 inches thick, or by paving that portion of the road- <br />way which is not already so improved with a,st rip of gravel 24 feet wide, 12 inches <br />in depth in the center and 9 inches in depth do the sides. Together with the necessary <br />drains, all as shown on the plans and in accordance with the profiles, detail draw- <br />ings and specifications on file in the office of the Department of Public Works of <br />said City. <br />The cost of the improvement hereinp rovided for, except street and alley inter- <br />sections, shall be paid by special assessment to be levied upon the property -specially <br />benefitted to the amount that the same may be legally assessed therefor, in accord- <br />ance with an act of the general Assembly of the State of Indiana, "entitled " An Act <br />Concerning Municipal Corporations," approved March 6 1905, and in accordance with and <br />pursuant to the provisions of all acts amendatory ands supplemental thereto. <br />The cost of all street and alley intersections, including one-half of the width <br />of the improvement opposite street and alleys which run into, but do not cross said <br />roadway herein proposed to be improved and that portion of such street or allay .abut- <br />ting upon property belonging to said City, or upon property not subject to such assess- <br />ment, shall be paid by the City in cash out of its general fund,.if able to do so,or <br />from a fund created by a special assessment to be levied under the provisions of Sec- <br />tion 108 of the above entitled Act. <br />Assessments of ten dollars and more against each lot, if deferred, are to be <br />paid in ten equal annual installments, with interest at the rate of Six per cent per <br />annum. A bond or bonds will be issued to the contractor to the amount of such deferred <br />assessments in pro rats payment foX such improvement. Under <br />Under no etreumstances shall the City of South Bend be, or be held respon- <br />sible for arW sun or sums due from said property owner or owners for said work, or for <br />the collections of the same, or for the payment of any bond, bonds, certificate or <br />certificates, issued to said contractor in payment for such work, except for such <br />moneys as shall have actually been received by the City from the assessments for such <br />improvement, or such moneys as said City is by -said entitled Act and amendments <br />and supplements thereto required to pay. All proceedings had, and work done in the <br />-making of said improvement, assessments of property, collections of assessments and <br />Issuance of bonds therefor, shall be as provided for in said above entitled Act, and <br />Acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. <br />Be It Further Resolved. That the Board of Public Works fix the 22nd. day of <br />June91915 at the hour of 7:45 P.M. at the @ffice of the Board of Public Vb rks, of this <br />City, as the time and place for the public consideration of said proposed i prove - <br />went at which said Board of Public Works will hear all persons interested, or whose <br />property is liable to be assessed for said improvement, and will decide whether the <br />benefits to the property liable to be assessed for said improvement will equal the <br />estimated cost thereof. <br />Br It further resolved, That notice of the time and place of such public <br />consideration be published and mailed in the manner provided by law. Notice of this <br />resolution shall be published on the 29th. day of May91915 and June 4th.,1915 <br />in the South Bend Daily Tribune. <br />Adopted this 25th, day of May,1915. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC 11D RKS. <br />