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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT <br />COMMISSION AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. That Expansion Area No. 1, described in the 4th WHEREAS clause <br />above, is blighted and constitutes. a menace to the social and economic <br />interest of South Bend and its inhabitants, and it will be of public <br />utility and benefit to acquire the area and redevelop it under the <br />Act. <br />2. The Studebaker Corridor Development Area (Expanded), described <br />at I.C. of 2nd WHEREAS clause, above, and the Rum Village Industrial <br />Park (Expanded), described at II.C. of the 2nd WHEREAS clause, above, <br />each continues to be blighted and continues to constitute a menace to <br />the social and economic interest of South Bend and its inhabitants, <br />and it will continue to be of public utility and benefit to continue <br />to acquire the areas and redevelop them under the Act. <br />3. In order to facilitate and enhance the replanning, <br />redevelopment, and disposition of property within the above - described. <br />blighted areas in the manner that best serves the social and economic <br />interests of South Bend and its inhabitants, each of the three <br />blighted areas described in Paragraphs 1 and 2, above, shall be and <br />hereby are amended and merged for all purposes under the Act by <br />expanding the boundaries of each area to make the boundaries of each <br />area co- terminus with the boundaries of the area described below and <br />hereafter referred to as the Sample -Ewing Development Area: <br />Sample -Ewing Development Area: <br />That part of Sections 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, <br />23 and 24 in Township 37 North, Range 2 East, and Section <br />18 in Township 37 North, Range 3 East all in St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana which is described as: Beginning at the <br />intersection of the Centerline line of Michigan Street <br />(99.00 ft. wide) and the South Right of Way line of <br />Sample Street extended West,; thence North along said <br />Centerline of Michigan Street to its intersection with <br />the Northerly Right of Way line of the Conrail Railway <br />(formerly Penn Central Railroad) extended East; thence <br />Westerly and Northwesterly along said Northerly Right of <br />Way line to the Southeast Corner of Lot 1 in the <br />unrecorded plat of "GUILDFOYLE'S ADDITION" and the West <br />Right of Way line of Arnold Street; thence South along <br />the West Right of Way line of Arnold Street to the North <br />Right of Way of Sample Street, said point being the <br />Southeast Corner of Lot # 48 in the recorded plat of <br />"ARNOLD & WEBSTER'S SUB- DIVISION OF BANK OUTLOT #103" as <br />recorded in the records of said county; thence West along <br />the North Right of Way line of Sample Street to the <br />intersection of the Northwesterly Right of Way line of <br />the New Jersey, Indiana and Illinois Railroad; thence <br />Southwesterly along said Northwesterly Right of Way line <br />to a point which is 300 ft. more or less South of the <br />North Right of Way line of Meadow Lane extended East, <br />said line being the North line of Meadow Lane as recorded <br />in the plat of "BELLEVILLE GARDENS 2ND UNIT "; thence West <br />on a line which is parallel to and 300 ft. more or less <br />South of said extended North Right of Way line of Meadow <br />Lane to a point which is 100 ft. more or less, South, <br />from the South terminus point of Sheridan Avenue; thence <br />North 100 ft. more or less to said South terminus point; <br />thence West, 535 ft. more or less to a point which is 30 <br />ft. more or less, South, from the Southeast corner of the <br />recorded plat of "BELLEVILLE GARDENS 2ND UNIT" as <br />recorded in the records of said County; thence North 30 <br />ft. more or less to said Southeast Corner; thence West, <br />1985 ft. more or less along the South line of said <br />"BELLEVILLE GARDENS 2ND UNIT" to the West line of said <br />Section 16; thence South along the West line of said <br />Section to the West quarter Post of said Section 16; <br />thence East along the East and West quarter line of said <br />Section to the Northeast Corner of the Northwest quarter <br />-12- <br />