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of the Southwest quarter of said Section; thence South <br />along the East line of the Northwest quarter of the <br />Southwest quarter of said Section to the Southeast Corner <br />of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said <br />Section; thence East along the North line of the South <br />half of the Southwest quarter of said Section to the <br />Northeast Corner of the South half of the Southwest <br />quarter of said Section; thence South along the North and <br />South quarter line of said Section to the quarter corner <br />common to said Sections 16 and 21; thence East along the <br />South line of said Section 16 to the West Right of Way <br />line of New Energy Drive; thence South along said Right <br />of Way line to a point 200 ft. South of the north line of <br />said Section 21; thence East parallel with and 200 ft. <br />South of the North line of said Section 21 and 22 to a <br />Point 200.00 ft. South of the Northeast Corner of the <br />West half of the Northwest quarter of said Section 22; <br />thence South along the East line of the West half of the <br />Northwest quarter of said Section 22 to the North Right <br />of Way Line of Prairie Avenue ( S.R. # 23); thence <br />Northeasterly along said Right of Way line to the East <br />Right of Way line of Olive Street; thence South to the <br />Northwest Corner of Lot 1 in the recorded plat of <br />"BOOCHER MINOR SUBDIVISION" as recorded in the records of <br />said County; thence Northeasterly along the Southerly <br />Right of Way line of Prairie Ave. (S.R. # 23) to the <br />intersection of the South Right of Way line of Ewing <br />Ave.; thence East along the South Right of Way of Ewing <br />Ave. to the intersection of the East Right of Way line of <br />Morris Street extended South; thence North along the East <br />Right of Way of Morris Street and its extension South to <br />the South Right of Way of Donald Street; thence East <br />along the South Right of Way of Donald Street to the <br />Northwest Corner of Lot # 52 in the recorded plat of <br />"PRAIRIE AVENUE LAND CO'S 1st ADDITION" as recorded in <br />the records of said County; thence North along the East <br />line of a 14 ft. wide Public Alley and its extension <br />South to the Northwest Corner of Lot #66 in said Plat; <br />thence East along the South line of Calvert Street (60.00 <br />ft. wide) extended to the East Right of Way line of <br />Webster Street; thence North along the East Right of Way <br />line of Webster Street to the South Right of Way line of <br />Bruce Street (60.00 ft. wide); thence East along the <br />South Right of Way of Bruce Street to the West Right of <br />Way of Kemble Street; thence South along the West Right <br />of Way of Kemble Street to the South line of the first <br />Public Alley lying South of Calvert Street extended West <br />to the West line of Kemble Street; thence East along the <br />South line of said Public Alley (12 ft. wide) and its <br />extension to the West, to the West Right Way line of <br />Chapin Street; thence South along said line to the South <br />Right of Way line of Sherrill Street extended West to the <br />West line of Chapin Street; thence East along the South <br />Right of Way line of Sherrill Street and its Westerly <br />extension to the Northeast Corner of Lot #53 in the <br />recorded plat of "SHIVELY'S ADDITION" as recorded in the <br />records of said County, said point being on the West line <br />of Kendall Street; thence South along the West line of <br />Kendall Street to the Northeast Corner of Lot # 45 in <br />said "SHIVELY'S ADDITION "; thence East along the South <br />Right of Way of Donald Street (50.00 ft. wide) to the <br />Northeast Corner of Lot #254 in said "SHIVELY'S <br />ADDITION "; thence South along the West Right of Way line <br />of William Street and its extension to the South to the <br />South Right of Way line of Ewing Ave.; thence East along <br />the South Right of Way line of Ewing Ave. to the <br />Northwest Corner of Lot #1 in the recorded plat of <br />"WEIDLER'S FIRST ADDITION" as recorded in the records of <br />said County; thence North along the East line of a 14 ft. <br />wide Public Alley and its extension South to the <br />Southwest Corner of Lot # 6 in the recorded plat of "OAK <br />PARK FOURTH ADDITION" as recorded in the records of said <br />County; thence West along the North line of a 14 ft. wide <br />-13- <br />