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automobiles and equipment, and street lights. A detailed note of these capital assets can be found <br />in the Notes to the Basic Financial Statements (Note III Q. <br />Major capital asset additions during the current fiscal year include the following: <br />- River Dam repairs $1.2 million. <br />- Major road renovation at $2.1 million. <br />- New police vehicles added to fleet at a cost of $812 thousand. <br />- Curb and Sidewalk Program $523 thousand. <br />- Upgrade to water wells at a cost of $625 thousand. <br />City of South Bend's Capital Assets <br />Governmental Business -type <br />Activities Activities Total <br />2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 <br />Capital assets <br />not being depreciated: <br />Land <br />Construction in Progress <br />Total capital assets <br />not being depreciated <br />Capital assets <br />being depreciated: <br />Building <br />Improvements other than <br />buildings <br />Machinery & equipment <br />Roads <br />Totals <br />Less accumulated <br />depreciation for: <br />Buildings <br />Improvements other than <br />buildings <br />Machinery & equipment <br />Roads <br />Totals <br />Total capital assets, being <br />depreciated, net <br />Total activity capital <br />assets, net <br />$10,016,557 <br />$11,564,931 <br />9,728,706 <br />1 5,141,413 <br />36,634,449 <br />36,880,723 <br />19,745,263 <br />26,706,344 <br />$2,457,065 $2,656,367 $12,473,622 <br />11,721,226 2,837,643 21,449,932 <br />14,178,291 5,494,010 33,923,554 <br />69,560,638 79,263,073 95,200,886 95,973,045 <br />8,345,625 <br />8,190,617 <br />74,383,741 <br />86,802,058 <br />36,634,449 <br />36,880,723 <br />43,287,881 <br />43,427,108 <br />468,310 <br />2,101,485 <br />0 <br />0 <br />115,009,022 <br />126,435,898 <br />212,872,508 <br />226,202,211 <br />164,761,524 <br />82,729,366 <br />79,922,330 <br />$14,212,298 <br />175,236,118 <br />94,992,675 <br />80, 307, 831 <br />.J41,00 l,JJV JJ=-'v 'U - <br />17,013,355 <br />19,102,238 <br />28,581,223 <br />29,879,152 <br />45,594,578 <br />48,981,390 <br />3,835,339 <br />3,985,236 <br />16,002,346 <br />17,554,984 <br />19,837,685 <br />21,540,220 <br />16,970,675 <br />17,367,908 <br />25,364,892 <br />26,471,522 <br />42,335,567 <br />43,839,430 <br />23,415 <br />51,662 <br />0 <br />0 <br />23,415 <br />51,662 <br />37,842,784 <br />40,507,044 <br />69,948,461 <br />73,905,658 <br />107,791,245 <br />114,412,702 <br />77,166,238 <br />85,928,854 <br />142,924,047 <br />152,296,553 <br />220,090,285 <br />238,225,407 <br />$96,911,501 <br />$112,635,198 <br />$157,102,338 <br />$157,790,563 <br />$254,013,839 <br />$270,425,761 <br />11 <br />