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Debt Administration. At December 31, 2004, the City had a number of debt issues outstanding. <br />These issues included $935,000 of general obligation bonds, $82,135,000 of revenue bonds <br />ayable from governmental funds, 39,815 000 of revenue bonds payable from enterprise funds, <br />29,525,289 oTfirst mortgage bonds payable from governmental funds and $1,058,415 of first <br />mortgage bonds payable trom enterprise Tunas. unaer the inaiana t-onstitution ana state statute, <br />the City's general obligation bonded debt issuances are subject to a legal limitation based upon 2% <br />of total assessed value of real and personal property. Since Indiana's assessment statutes call for an <br />assessed valuation of one - -third of cost less depreciation, its general obligation debt limitation is <br />one of the most conservative in the United States. <br />The City debt increased by $3.6 million from the prior year. This increase was due to the <br />issuance of bond for various capital upgrades to the Wastewater facility. <br />A detailed listing of this debt can be found in the Notes to the Basic Financial <br />Statements (Note III G). A calculation of the City's legal debt limitation can be <br />found in the statistical section of this document. <br />Economic Factors and Next Year's Budgets and Rates <br />As noted earlier, property taxes are the City's largest source of revenue. Under current <br />legislation all Indiana cities assessed values are based on market values. Under this <br />method some properties are still being re- assessed to reflect the changes in values. This <br />process as well as the overwhelming amount of appeals is still affecting the amount of <br />property taxes received by the City. Due to these current changes, the percentage <br />increase the City is anticipating in 2005 will be less than in previous years. <br />The new sewer rate was enacted in 2004 as well as a new water rate in 2005. The overall Water <br />revenue enhancement with this rate increase will be 15 percent. These rates will continue to be <br />revised to assure that the municipal water and sewer system has sufficient revenue to cover <br />operating and capital expenses. <br />Many major capital projects are slated for construction in 2005. Part of the list would include <br />downtown development which includes a new garage and office project. South side <br />development, water and sewer infrastructure upgrades and the continuation of major road <br />enhancements. <br />Requests for Information <br />This financial report is designed to provide a general overview of the City of South Bend's <br />finances for all those with an interest in the government's finances. Questions concerning any of <br />the information provided in this report or request for additional financial information should be <br />addressed to the Controller's Office, 227 W. Jefferson, 14 fl, South Bend, IN 46601. <br />12 <br />