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Council in the subsequent year's expenditures. The remainder of the fund balance is reserved <br />and is not available for new spending because it has already been dedicated for various <br />commitments. <br />The general fund is the City's chief operating fund. At the end of the current fiscal year, <br />unreserved fund balance of the general fund was $19,656,024, an increase of $1,515,666. <br />This is primarily due to lower than budget expenditures on governmental funds. This is a <br />direct result of the property taxes received, which has been detailed earlier. <br />The park and recreation unreserved fund balance saw a decrease of $514,240. The major <br />reason for this decrease is due to lower overall revenues as well as expenditures that had <br />normal increases from the prior year. Since the Park fund is a recipient of property taxes, it <br />has also experienced the problems that have been chronicled earlier. <br />The South Bend building corporation fund is used to account for major capital construction. <br />The unreserved fund balance decreased from $16,858,057 to $3,037,967. The explanation of <br />this decrease is due to the completion of a new central fire station as well as a renovation to <br />the central police station. There is a corresponding increase in the capital increases within the <br />public safety programs. <br />Individual fund data for each of the non -ma or governmental funds is provided in the form of the <br />combining statements in the Supplemental 1'nformation portion. <br />Proprietary funds. Enterprise funds are used to report the same functions presented as business- <br />type activities in the government -wide financial statements. The City maintains seven individual <br />enterprise funds. The basic proprietary fund financial statements can be found later in this report. <br />Fiduciary funds. Fiduciary funds are used to account for resources held for the benefit of parties <br />outside the government. The basic fiduciary funds financial statements can be found later in this <br />report. <br />General Fund Budgetary Highlights <br />The City adopts an annual appropriated budget for its general fund. The final budget was greater <br />than the original budget by $2,351,893. An amended original budget can be explained by either an <br />encumbrance rollover or a current year budget overrun. The general fund budget is reviewed <br />throughout the year and revised as needed with the approval of the City Council. At the end of the <br />fiscal year the actual expenditures are projected and the budget is amended to prevent any budget <br />overruns. The City tries to work within its original budget by increasing categories that will <br />exceed budget while decreasing other categories to cover these overruns. If this transferring will <br />not cover these expenditures then the City must appropriate from its fund balance. <br />Of the $2,683,910, $2 million, was to amend the original budget to account for the transfer of <br />funds to the health insurance fund to help alleviate increased costs. The remainder was prior year <br />encumbrances that rolled over and were added to the original budget. <br />The actual revenues are $19,603,741 under budget and expenditures are $3,395,055 under budget. <br />The majority of $19 million can be explained by the property taxes that were not distributed by the <br />County until early 2005. The under spending of the expenditures can be partially attributed to the <br />fact that the City budgets at full staff and not all positions were filled in 2004. Also, overtime in <br />public safety was down due to personnel being at full staff. In all, this saving provides evidence <br />that the City's budget has been prepared on a conservative basis and has provided adequate <br />resources to fund services provided. All cities have limited resources and, thus, limited numbers of <br />programs and services that can e provided. We are proud to say that we have done well in terms <br />of maintaining a solid, financially sound organization by spending within our paeans. <br />Capital Asset and Debt Administration <br />Capital assets. The Ci 's investment in capital assets for its governmental and business type <br />activities at December l, 2004 amounts to $270,425,761 (net of accumulated depreciation. <br />This investment in capital assets includes land, buildings, roads, improvements, service lines, <br />10 <br />