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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting .- ..October 19, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONY.) <br />A. Public Bearings <br />(2) continued... <br />Mr. Pcczkowski noted that the Maplewood <br />address appears to he jest cast of hat was <br />classically considered as the industrial park.. <br />Mr. Witwer responded that it is at the <br />western edge of the industrial park, but we <br />expect the industrial park to grow and <br />surround these properties. <br />Mr. Inks explained teat these five <br />acquisitions are voluntary acquisitions. Staff <br />has been approached by the property owners <br />who are surrounded by industrial <br />development and wish to he bought out. As <br />the Commission supports industrial <br />development, we recognize its impact on <br />nearby residences and to the extent we can, <br />we accommodate those people and buy out <br />their property at market value. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Downes, seconded by CO ISS10 N A P P WV1.1D RESO LUTION No. 2 _382 <br />Mr. Peezkowski and r. nan.1mously carved, END1' ' 'n -iF AIRPORT ECONOMIC <br />the Commission approved Resolution tion EVE'L OPME T AREA DEV E L MvI E T PLAN <br />No. 2382 amending the Airport Eco omle <br />Development Area Development Plan. <br />(3) Public Hearing on Resolution No. 2383 <br />amending the Nest Washington - Chapin <br />Development t Area .Deve o x e t Plan. <br />(Contracting the boundaries) <br />Mr. Inks noted that we intended to hold d <br />public hearing today on Resolution No. 2383, <br />but the Notice of Hean'ng Hearing did not get <br />published in the `ri- County Nevis as <br />required. The public hearing on Resolution <br />No. 2383 is being rescheduled for the <br />