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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular 'Meeting .....October 19, 2007 <br />b. NEW BUSINESS (CONY.) <br />A. Public Hearings <br />(1) continued... <br />Mr. Inks noted that the public hearing file is <br />complete, containing: l a Notice of <br />.searing', 2 a copy of Resolution No. 2382, <br />(3) an affidavit from the South Bend Tribune <br />that the Notice of Hearing was published in <br />that newspaper on October 5, 2007; an. <br />affidavit from the 'ri -County News that the <br />Notlee of Hearing was published in that <br />newspaper on October 5, 2007; a <br />statement from Mr. Witwer that on <br />October 5, 3007 affected property owners <br />and registered neighborhood associations <br />were sent Notice of the Publ i.e .Hearing; and <br />(6) as of 10:00 a. m., no written <br />remonstrances were received. <br />_Mr. Wit er noted that Re olut.ion No. <br />will add two properties to the Acquisition <br />List of the Airport Economics Development <br />Area Development Plan: 1624 and 1630 <br />Maplewood. These are two r esi.dent.ial <br />properties are in an otherwise industrial area. <br />The Commission has already purchased two <br />other homes behind these on Knoblock <br />Street. All of them are voluntary <br />aeclisItions. <br />Ms. Jones opened the Public Hearing for PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION o. 2382 <br />anyone who wished to speak regarding <br />Resolution No. 2382. There was no one who <br />wished to spear. Ms. Jones closed the Public <br />Hearing for whatever action the Commission <br />wished to take. <br />(2) Commission approval requested for <br />Resolution No. 2382. <br />7 <br />