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South Bend Redevelopment Commissioll <br />Regular Meeting - - -- October 19, 2007 <br />4. COMMUNICATIONS (CANT.) <br />A. continued... <br />Plan. `bat's what inspired a group of people to <br />make their voices known that they were interested <br />in not having it torn down. We want to keep it on <br />the tax rolls and in the private sector and not <br />owned by the city. <br />Mr. King noted that he appreciates public .input and <br />discussion on such things. His point was that lie, <br />too, has seen that kind of misinformation in the <br />press. None of those people is a member of the <br />Commission. If the decision is nude to demo .lsb. <br />that block., it will be made right sere in. the course <br />of a public meeting. hat Gary Dick puts in <br />Inside Indiana B smess or what other people <br />spread as rumors, please pay attention to the fact <br />that it's the `ommission wbo will decide. So far, <br />no decision has been made to d m llsh. the <br /> He asked that she cor .niunieate that <br />back to the people she knows who have an interest <br />in this issue. If it is possible to save those <br />buildings, that woul d be terrific. No decision has <br />been lade to demolish those buildings. <br />Ills. Lewis noted that they simply wanted to get <br />their wishes known about the issue. <br />Ms. Jones reiterated that the Commission <br />appreciates the public input and discussion. That is <br />what makes the public process work. <br />Mr. Peczkowski said that because of the <br />Commission's discussion of the Fat Daddy's block, <br />he was interested in the former Witmer- McNeese <br />building across the street. He took the liberty of <br />calling the pbone number on the For Beat in the <br />window. He spoke with the new owner, Roy Diaz, <br />who lives in California and whose son attends <br />Holy Cross College in South Bend. Mr. Diaz had <br />5 <br />