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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting — October 19, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONY.) <br />D. West Wash i n- Chapin Development Area <br />(1) continued, <br />investment in helping us preserve this <br />extraordinary civil. rights asset. <br />Mr. ding asked about lbs. Sobels's <br />satisfaction with the new portion's structural <br />integration with the original building. Ms. <br />Sobel responded that the addition of the steel <br />to carry through the feel of what happened ill <br />the pool with the girders up above is <br />fabulo .s. The feel will be there. <br />Mr. Downes asked when the project is <br />expected to be substantially complete. Ms. <br />Sobel responded that fundraising is nearly <br />complete, depending on how construction <br />bids come in. They intend to re -bid the <br />project after ownership is transferred to <br />South Bend Heritage. Though that will slow <br />completion, tinder South Bend Her'tage's <br />ownership there won't b c so many legalities <br />to follow and the cost should cone down. <br />Under a best case scenario, it could be <br />complete In summer 2008. <br />Mr. 'Pecz owsl i asked If the property will, <br />then, be tax exempt when owned by South <br />Bend Heritage. Ms. Sobel responded that it <br />will be tax exempt as an educational facility <br />of IJSB. It was never on the tax rolls, <br />owned by the city since the 1920s. <br />Mr. Pec l owsl i asked why South Bend <br />Her'tage would take on management of the <br />building. Ms. Sobel responded that their <br />interest in it is clue to its presence in the heart <br />of the neighborhood South Bend Heritage <br />29 <br />