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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting — October 19, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONY.) <br />B. South Bend Central Development Area <br />(7) continued... <br />that k1nd of environment? Mr. Downes <br />responded that the HOK study will dete. .ine <br />if retail is feasible in that environment. <br />Mn Gibney: Ken, what do you mean when <br />you say "that kind of environ ent ll <br />Mr. l c owsl i : That, i n the case of most <br />retail operations, thCY WOUld e to have <br />other file dl.y retail. right next to them. <br />Mr. Gibney: So, that's what YOU mean by <br />C` that type of environment?" Are you saying <br />anything, about the clientele that would be <br />coming to the Granger Community Church <br />program'? There seemed to be an it . li.cation <br />that you. were. <br />Mr. c kowsl is No. <br />Mr. Gibney: Because that is a million dollar <br />investment and I think it will attract other <br />private sector, for - profit investment. <br />.fir. Pec ows is How much experience erience o <br />you have in retail? <br />Mr. Downes: That's why we're firing HOI , <br />to help us with these decisions. Bill, I <br />thought you bit the rail on the head: This is <br />a city park. It's aD asset of the city. It's been <br />there for twenty years, they just had their <br />four millionth fan attend this year. This is a <br />valuable asset to the city. <br />Mr. eclovli: Weil we're getting right <br />