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South Bend Redevelopment Com issioll <br />Regular .meeting -- October 19, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONY.) <br />B. South Bend Central Development Area <br />(7) continued... <br />finally this time by reorganizing and <br />changing the entrances. Yes, it's an asset. <br />Mr. Downes: I realize your hindsight is <br />20/20, as is everybody elscls. <br />Mr. Downes made a motion to approve the <br />request for proposal and to accept the <br />proposal from :Hod. Sport, Inc. for the scope <br />of services proposed and. a fee not to exceed <br />$85,000. -fir. King seeonded the mot.10.11. <br />The vote was four to one with Mr. <br />l cc l owsl i opposed. The motion carried. <br />Mr. King expressed the desire that HOK <br />follow our wishes and be sensitive that there <br />are some parties in that area who are Laing <br />investments now that need to be protected, <br />Mr. Schalliol assured h1 . they. would. <br />(8) Commission approval requested for Lease <br />Renewal in the South Bend Central <br />Development Area. LePeep Restaurant) <br />Mr. Inks noted that Lel e p has been <br />operating in the downtown since 2001. They <br />are a name brand restaurant that's anchoring <br />the Michigan Street shops. They have been a. <br />catalyst for other new development in the <br />downtown. They took a n' s xn 2001 when <br />they opened. That investment has paid some <br />dividends for the city. Jefferson Centre has <br />been renovated with ground floor retail since <br />then, the coning renovation of 10 1. North <br />Michigan, the soon -to -open Trio's. The <br />Michigan Street Shops are 100% occupied <br />2 <br />CONIMISSION APPROVE-D THE REQUESTFOR <br />PROPOSAL AND ACCEPTED THE PROPOSAL FROM <br />PRO110 S E E A N 1. FE E N01-1 .0 FWt. -, I., 0 <br />