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youth end ~~c.~~eiap~~ent an~~~~.a.sian <br />~eui~.~ ~etin ~-~prii ~~, ~~a7 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />J'~. (~~her <br />~I~ co~~~~aed..a <br />L~po~~ a nation ~~ NIr. I~i><~g, seconded by <br />Mr. I~a~vnes and unanin~ausly caied, the <br />~amrni~sian au~~~arized staff to deve~ap <br />de~z~~itive h~o~~e~ age a~een~ents ~it~~. rub <br />~~is ~ess~ Everett a~~d with ~ <br />.ich.rd ibis to ~~ brought to the <br />`a~r~~~~issian far fi~~a~ approval at a later time. <br />~~ or~rn~~io~ prow reu.e~e for <br />eso~~~~~~ o~ ~ se~~~ ~ ~~~~~ <br />her~~ o the ~~a~l~lo off` aye <br />f~a the Iedev~~apm~I~~ enerl F~ur~ <br />~u~ 43~ far the ~ur~o~e of ~a~'~~ fog <br />eertl~~ e~~~~.s~s c~.r~red ~ ~h <br />~edev~ea~r~ent o~n~~ss~o~ ~vu~s~e ~e~a~ <br />eaa~~se~} <br />NIr. I~~ks noted that resolution Via. ~33D sets <br />~. p~~hlic l~eal-~~~g far . ~:Oa a.rrl.,lVlay 18, <br />2~~7 an the apprapriatio~~ of frl~~ds. <br />~, ~eczaw~i sled to see an iten~i~atial~ <br />of what the funds ~vouid be used far. IVIr. <br />I~Iks responded that this is an appropriation. <br />e are setting up a fundi~~g sauce to pair fa~+ <br />outside co~~r~se~, This isn't paling bibs <br />v~e've already received. <br />Upon a notion by M~-. I)OV~~~e, seconded by <br />fir. ink and >v~na~in~a~sly carried, t1~e <br />ana~nissian approved I~esolutian No. 233 <br />setting; a ub~~c hca~tn o~ the appropriat~an of <br />ma~~es from the Re~~v~~ap~ent enc~al Fund <br />Fund 433} fo1• the p~~~-pase afpayin~ far <br />ce1-tair~ expenses incu~~red h the <br />JRedevelapr~er~t `amr~~iss~ar~. ~~uts~de ~ega~ <br />co~~nse~} <br />~3 <br />commission authorised staff to d~~~iap <br />def~~iti~ve hrake~ae agreements v~ith <br />G~~~bb ~ ~~~is ~ress~ . Everett a~~d <br />with B I~icl~ard ~l~i to be bra>ti~l~t to <br />the a~nmissian far fi~~a~ a~p~+o~a~ <br />C~)M~IS~]ON APPROVED ~ESOL~?TIQN ~, X330 <br />~~;`C'1'ING A PU~3~a~C ~-IEARI>~G UN TI-I1 <br />A~'PRDI'~A'~`~aN GF MONIES FI~OIVI THE <br />~tI)EVI~1-.OPMENT GENERAL FUND ~FLIND 433 <br />1~C~IZ TI-IE PURPUSE aF PAYING FDR CERTAIN <br />I~~PEIVS115 IN~:L~RRED B~ THE EI~EVI/LOI'~II.1N'1" <br />~()~MISSION. (OL~TSIDE LEGAL. C'~)11~NS11..} <br />