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oath fiend Rcde~elopn~e~~t an~n~issian <br />Regular ll~eeting -April ~~, ~~~~ <br />6. NEW BUSINESS {CONT.) <br />I. Doug~~s oaf l~co~o~c ~e~~lopn~~n~ Ares <br />T~~ere was ~~ b~~si~~.ess ~n tl~e ~oulas Road <br />~conon~ic I~e~elap~~ent Area. <br />t~~r <br />~} ~f' ~epa~ o ~~s~o~~on ~ a~nrr~iss~on~ <br />~rn~~ ~oer~~ <br />:r. Laurent gated that tl~e otr~n~.issio~~ does <br />~~at l~.ave a~~ of its ~'or ,a~.e properties listed. <br />with ~. can~n~ercial real estate broker, To <br />help ~°en~e~~ that sit~~ati~~, s~~.i`'ol~~ted <br />proposals l`ay' ~.grec~nents from <br />se~era.l t~rakers in the area. ~`he Co.~nissior~ <br />received those proposals fror~~ rbb ll~s <br />dressy ~erett aid fr~n~ B Richard Ellis <br />i~~ February and beard present~~ian~ fro~~a <br />bath ~il-n~s. i~~ce that t~~~. staff" has lead <br />i~~ter~~al dialog ~ well as extensive <br />discussions v~itl~ both of'those co~~npa~aie. <br />As a re~ilt o~ those disc~.~ss~onsy staff fccls it <br />o~~ld be i~~ tl~e best ~z~teres~ of the <br />o~~nisio~ to not totally reject either <br />proposal. e feel it v~auld be i~~ the <br />~'o~ninlss~an's best Int~1-est to work with both <br />companies, ta.ff proposes to accept the <br />proposal of Grubb . Ellis to list our <br />properties in the Ai~part conam.ic <br />~e~eiopn~ent area and accepting the B <br />Richard Ellis proposal to list the properties ~n <br />the youth Be~~~ 'entr.l e~eloprnent Area <br />and the an~ple~Ein Develapn~ent area. <br />Staff requests accepting bath proposals and <br />direct staff a~~d legal counsel to ~.evelop <br />brol~erage agreements with both co~pan~e <br />to bring to the 'o~~.r~~ission at its nest <br />n~eet~n. <br />~Z <br />