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youth fiend I~ede~elo~~~e~~t o~x~~~~ss~on <br />I~e~u~ar cet~~~ -~.p~}~~ ~~, ~~~7 <br />7. ~C~RE P~~T <br />fir. I1~S reported teat on ~arc~~ ~ ~ staff r.ade a ~~o~~~ ~~~~'ORTS <br />presel~tat~o~~ to the outl~ fiend ornn~on ounell <br />reard~~~ tai ~ncrel~e~t f117anC1n~. ~ d1~tr1bllted to <br />~on~n~~ss~oners a cad of the ~r~~.ted ater~a~s <br />d1t1~1}11t~d to a~~nc~l 1T1e1~bers at that tine. The <br />~x~atel`~als ~nelde answers to Fre~~ently Asl~ed <br />~~est~ol~s as v~el~ as t~~aps shov~in~ de~e~op~~nent areas <br />and and suI}~allocation areas, date the ~`~.~' areas mere <br />estab~il~ed a.~~d t~e~~ end~n date ~f there ~s aye <br />established, l~etlae~- residential ~ ~ncl~~ded as part of tl~e <br />~"~~' areas tlae acreage of the areas, tl~e assessed value for <br />Pad Oq tl~e actual ~I revel~ue fog` a~ ~~, a caleu~atio~~ <br />of the i1~~pact of the ~~I~ ci~-e~~1t brea.~~e~` ~~~ '~' ~'e~en~~e~ <br />staff t~~o~g~~t ~t o~~ld be good ~~~for~~~at~o~~ for <br />'o~~~.~ss~ o~~ n~er~~ber ~~ well ~~ the ~o~~nci 1. Tl~e <br />Frequently Asked Questions and their a~~swers have also <br />been posted o~~- tlae City's We17 site. <br /> <br />Tl~.e nest nleet~ng oftlle ede~elap~~nent on~n~~ss~or~ ~s Ivf.x~~~C~~~v~~~~~o~N~~,~,~a,~~~; <br />scheduled for ~1"~da~, ~~ ~, ~~~~ at ~ ~;~~ a,n~. <br /> <br />there ~7e117~ no f~~rthe~~ b~~s~ne to cane before the A~.~ov~~~~~vT <br />~ede~elo~ent 01~~~~~s~on, ~VIr. Ding made a ~not~on <br />that the electing be ad~o~~rned. ll~r. Dau~nes seconded <br />the rnotian and the meeti~~g was ad~o~-ned at ~ 0:43 a~. <br />~. -. <br />~ .rv~, ,r<< ",f <br />~~~ ~~ 1 ~, <br />~- <br />Wald ~. ~~ I~~rect~r M~r~ia I ~ Jo~~ ~ ident <br />24 <br />