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youth fiend edevelop.cnt o.~niss~on <br />.e~~~ar ~eet~ng -Apr~~ ~a, aa~ <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />B. Guth ~n~ e~t~r~~ eveop~ne~t Aria <br />{5) continued... <br />tawexceed amaunt of 52~. After be~n~~in <br />~vor~ an the baundar~ ~od~f~eat~ans, <br />ihtn~an Petrie en~neer~ found <br />~.~~.can~patib~e pra~ect~ans of the South fiend <br />~`entra~ and amp~e~~~v~n boundary ~~ne ~ <br />their starting data reu~ting ~n a ~g~~~~.~ea~~t <br />7~1c~"ease ~r~ hour" spe~~t deve~api~~g the ue~ <br />legal deser~pt~a~s~ ~'he South fiend ent~-~~ <br />data vas redone to be calx~patib~e ~v~th the <br />~~r~~p1e~~v~t~g data. ~ght~.a~~ >etr~e leas <br />asked fat• an a~~e~~ded. cantr.ct ~~ tl~.e a~~~o~~nt <br />of ~, to pad for the unforeseen ~ar~~ <br />x-e~~~ired. Staff' reca~n~nends approval . <br />fir. Peez~~o~~vs~~~ asked if the u~or~~ was <br />already done. Nis. Laurent repouded that ~t <br />1 do~~e~ <br />1~:~-. Peczko~vsk~ asked why the ~~~ark v~~~ <br />~~ar~e befog"e tl~e ~'a~~~~~s~oz~ au~harized the <br />add~t~onal fee, ~~n, "what is the point of <br />contracts if eve amend them ~v~lly r~~l~y'?" . <br />Laurent responded that ightn~a~~ ~etr~e <br />performed the work "at risk." The staff <br />tica~ly operates ~n ~ "goad faith'" <br />cnvirantnent. NIs. Laurent acknoleded <br />that another may to h a~~dle the s~tuat~an <br />~ou~d have been for them to stop work unt~~ <br />tl~ey had the on~n~lss~on utl~o~-izat~on far <br />tl~.e additional expenditure. nt~l enough <br />work was done to deter.ine the cause of the <br />problem it couldn't have been l~no~n hove <br />~~~uch tl~ne mould be re~~~~red to eomplcte ~t. <br />ll~. Laurent said that ~t vas her <br />dete~-rninatior~ that this was the reasonable <br />~va~r to proceed. <br />1S <br />