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Month fiend .ede~re~opn~ent a~~n~n~~~on <br />eg.~ar ~cet~n -~p~i~ ~~, ~~ <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CUNT.) <br />oath lend Central ]e~e~apment Area <br />{5) canti~~ued... <br />1V~~'. ~o~~es ~nade ~ matian to approve the <br />an~e~~ded cant~act with ight~nan Petr ~e ~`ar <br />the scape ~~' scr~~ces ~~d fee ~~a~aed. 1V~r. <br />~~~ sec~ned the notion. The ~~~otion <br />ca~-~-ied on a faur to ane ~ratc i~h fir. <br />Pec~l~os~i opposed. <br />rpa>I*t ~a>~o~nlc le~elop~nen Area. <br />~~~ '~~~ o~ esolnt~o~ as X329 an~en~~~ <br />~~e A~rpor~ ~coo~e l~~elopen.t area <br />l~e~opent flan and settln a pll~~lle <br />1'ear~n on esolt~on X04 239 'or ~ ~~~ <br />a.~n.~ day ~~ ~~a7~ <br />~pa~~ a ~~nat~on ~y fir. I~~n, seconded ~y <br />~. hones gad ~~nan~~a~o~~s~y carved, the <br />o~n~r~iss~on accepted far ~~in R.esolntio~a. <br />~a. 2329 a~~~e~~d~~~~ the Ai~~pa~~ Ecotloic <br />~cveiop~~.en~ .~~e De~e~o~~~e~~t Flan and <br />setting a p~b~ic hea~in an R.eso~~.~t~o~~ <br />No. 2329 ~`ar 1 ~:~~ a.n~., gay 1 S, 207. <br />~~} Commission approval requested for <br />proposal far prafess~onal services in the <br />Airport ~canon7~e ~e~elopn~ent .Area. <br />~Appra~sa~s, ~ l~nol~lock~ <br />1V~~-. Ater noted t~~at the residence at 1 X33 <br />~nah~ack, as well as sovera~ othe~s,l <br />sl,~~ronnded by ~~~d~strxa~ sites. The av~r>ers <br />af~his property, Stephen and Te~~ ~'ree~, have <br />approached sta~`~ith an ~ntcrest in being <br />acquired. ~n over to assess o~~ interest in <br />acq~~ll~ing this property eve mould dike to have <br />it appraised. T~vo app~axs~s are ~~eeded. <br />~~~MM1S1~~~ 11~'1'Ci~)VIr[~'[~1~~1: ~~~rQ'UI~'I' I~~i~ <br />1'C~~I'(~S~I. MINI.) ~t'~'Ir~'"I'1rD "I'I~II' I'I~C)I'U~~C..1~~~C~M <br />[~rll'1~IvI11N Pi;'1'R1I I~DI~ "I'C-II/ SC[~I~E C]I~ ~,~I~~II['t <br />~~r~ ~I/I/ ~I~ol~os~>~ <br />~olv~>~~~sl~~~v ~c~c~~=~~~~~~~~ I~~o~~ I~~I,I~c~ <br />~~~5~]L..LJ'I'1[)]~ ~[), ~~~ ~~I::N~)INU'l~~-~~~ 1~IR~'[~I~'I' <br />E~:E~Ni3Ml(:' DI~:vII-.~I'14~~N`I'AI~E~ ~E~~I/I..~}I}ll~~~f'I' <br />P~_,~//~l nE{ l~EE~~(`~~~~_"~~'+~~i~~} ~rry~~~~~r~rCi~ ~-~~~~t~~~ 07~~ t y ~} <br />~~_~lkl~..l.i 1 l~~11 11~~.~. ~.}L.~ ~'LJi` L~.~~ f~.l~'F .7 lr~ll I' ~ L]~ <br />2oc}~ <br />~9 <br />