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youth fiend e~ie~e~opr~ent o~~~~~i~an <br />e~u~ar .~eet~n ~~~pri~ 20, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />~. on~h Ber~~ den#ral ~e~e~apmen~ Ares <br />~~~ ~~t~~L{ <br />~ fce of $1,550. Rick ~~tts Asac~ate ~~a~ <br />suht~itte~ a praposa~ with a fee of x,800. <br />~~`~~a ~ppraia~ are nee~e~. Staff <br />recorne~~ds aecept~n the prapoa~s fro~~! <br />~eron~e ~e~~ael a~~~ Ra~p~~ Lauver itl~ ~ <br />z~.ot to e~ece budget of ,SaO for the <br />appra~sa~ and t~t~e mark. <br />!!-. ~a~~es made a ~~~o~~an ~o approve the <br />~-e;~:l~.~es~ for proposal far tithe v~ork ar~d to <br />~~ccept the proposal from ~eri~~a~ ~'i~~e far <br />the scope of se~~ces a~~ fee proposed. fir. <br />~~~~ seeo~~ded t~~e ~ot~on. The ~~~otion ~a~ <br />approved ors a rote of four to a~.e. ]fir. <br />~eczl~ol~~ ~~as oppaed~ <br />~~. Downes ~r~ade ~ ~nat~ar! to approve the <br />re~r~est far proposals for a~praial ~.~~ to <br />~~c~ept tl~.e p~~oposal fro~~~ .lero~ne 11~1ic~~~els <br />~~~~~~ a~ph Lauver for the scope of ser~~ce <br />and fee proposed. Il~r, Ring seconded the <br />n~otio~~. ~'~~e ~~atio~~ a~ approved on a vote <br />of. fo~~r to one. l~r~ Peczkowsk~ was <br />opposed. <br />~5~ omrnissian ~pprav~~ ~e~uested far <br />a~ne~~~nent to contract nth ~ghtm~n <br />Pc~ric. <br />~1s. Laurent noted ghat on January 1, X007 <br />the o~r~rr~~s~o~~ approved a proposal from <br />i~htl~lan Petrie for profes~a~~al er~iee <br />related to baundar~r n~od~eatian for both <br />tl~e South Bend entrap and Sar~~ple-~~~~ <br />Deve~aplent areas, ~'he prapasa~ de~r~ed a <br />l i ~~~ ~ ted scope of se~~viees and vas fora not- <br />~~'(~N~M1~Si~N ~11'1'1~~~Vl~~ T!-~~ R~[~U~ST ~'0!~ <br />]'!~€~~'~~~l.~ 1~~)~~ 1'E~~)1~1~~~~1U?~'A!v ~~R~jlCry~;~ AID <br />~C'C~~'~T~~) T!-!!~ !'!~[~!'~S~l~ ~l~Cl~[ ~IIIII~ll~lllN <br />~~o~c~sra <br />~'ol1~MlSSI~)N ~1C'I'1~(}V~~)'l'1~1 f~l(~Uis~`!'!~C}!~ <br />PRO!'oSALS 1~~)!Z !'liC~F~S[~)~,~[., S~:l~.~lC~~,~ AN~7 <br />11C}(:`~PT~:~ TI-!r P~~)!'~SAl..S ~'~[~NC ~!~!~(}Ni~: <br />1~[1C"~-lf~.l~.S AN~~ ~~a~~!'~-~ ~.~1~1V~l~ l~`[)l~'!`1.~1~ SC'i~l-'~ <br />o!~ s~~~va~~~~s ~~r~ ~{L~ ly~o~'as~,r~ <br />1 <br />