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youth lend edevelap~~~ent an~~.~~o. <br />~e~u.lar Mee~in~ -April 20, 207 <br />~. ~" B[~~NE ~l~T.} <br />B, o€~t Bead en~ral I~evelopmen~ Area <br />~3~ cotered.,. <br />~. L~.urent Hated tl~at Resolution lea. 232 <br />~~~~ arnend the o~~th fiend ent~-ai <br />Development Area Develapent ~'l.n to add <br />one parcel to the c~~~~~t~an list. The parcel <br />is located ~~ 202, 204 a~~d 20 . Micl~igan <br />street, l~r~own as the eyBa~ playa. <br />~,cc~~~isition is needed to facilitate a~~ avezall. <br />dcvclap~r~ent partnersl~ip far proposed <br />in.~proven~ents to the eyBanl~ hu.i~din. <br />~Jpo~~ ~~ n~otior~ ~~ Mr. ~~1n~, seco~de~~ ~~~ <br />Mr. Downes and ~na~nin~ausly c~.rried, tl~e <br />~`ar~~~~~sszan. ~.ccepted far f~1i~1 Resolution <br />No. 23?~ and set a public hearing an <br />Reol~~tion Na. 232 far l 000, May ~ S, <br />2007, <br />~~} a~n~~s~or~ approval requested for <br />p~~opas~l ~r~r pro~'es~iona~ ser~l~c~ ~r~ t~~e <br />ont~~ Bend Central ~]e~elopmen~ Ares. <br />~Tl~le ~~•~ aid appra~s~l~, U~ ~. <br />~Vlonroe} <br />Mr. challiol noted that staff is i~zterested i~ <br />beginning predeveapr~en.t ~et~vities for the <br />Micl~~a~~a Loch ley property located ~t <br />30~ west Monroe fit, The services needed <br />are title warlC .nd ppr ~sals to dete~~nine a <br />pote~~tial afferin price far tl~e prape~-ty. <br />staff has received a prapoa.l frarn Meridian <br />Title harp to perform a title search o~~ the <br />subject property for a f~~.t rate of200. staff <br />lFas also received two proposals far the <br />appraisal warp. ,~erorne Michaels loos <br />s~~bn~itted a prapasal with a fee of ~ ~,75a. <br />~alpl~. Lauver h~.s suhrni~ted a proposal with <br />~'{~I~~MI~S~C)N l1~'(:~1=:!''~'1:~~~ f~~)~ lail._~N(.~ <br />~~:SOI.~.1'('~~)N NCB. ~~~$11.N~) 5~7~~~ ~'~J~3~.1~: <br />~~~~~t~~~~c~a o~ ~~~{~~.ts~~~~~c~~ ~~~. ,3~ roe <br />l a.aa A.~~.,1VI~~r S, ~aa7 <br />~~ <br />