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youth e~~d ede~e~ope~~t o~x~r~ission <br />.eular ee~in ~-~~~prii Za, ~a07 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />~~~~ ~e~d en~ra~ De~elopr~en~ Area <br />~~} co~~~~~~ed... <br />~2fi95~. ~anel~ :l~a~~~er did sane preliinr~r <br />~vorl~ a~~ the site i~~ relation to the 1V~ai~~ and <br />~'alfax par~~ing garage renov~.tion~ ~a it can <br />ca~nplete t~~e s~~rvey in a cast efficient and <br />t~~~ne~~r taffreca~n~nends approval. <br />. r. pec~l~awl~i ~~~et~.o~ed ~v~hetl~e~ t~ere <br />v~~s o~~l~ ane propQ~al. ~sF a~~re~~t <br />~-c~panded ti~at the reason anl~ ane prapa~al <br />~ solicited. vas ~eca~~~e ofanch ~~ar~~e~A's <br />pre~f~o~~~ ~va~~l~ ox~ tl~e s;te givi~~g t~~e~~~ <br />sta~~ti~~g place. s. Laurent Hated tl~~t tl~e <br />a~~~n~isio~~ spreads its v~arl~ bet~aeer~ a <br />lame ~~~n~ber of e~~~~~eer~~. ~~s. <br />fir{ ~'ee~l~o~v~~ respo~~~ed tl~at ~~e j~~st <br />~~oncered if this was a co~~petit~v hid ar <br />~~ot. ~. ~,aurenf responded tl~at hayed on <br />~e~- r~o~~edge of ot~~e~- eni~~ee~•i~~g jal~s <br />~~re'~c bic~, ~l~e is co~afident ti~i.s i a <br />canlpet~f~ve l~l~. <br />~~. arvnes z~~ade a ~r~atiar~ to approve the <br />re~~><est far proposal. fog p~ofeio~~l services <br />and to accept the praposa~ frame Ranch <br />darner Associates far the scope of se~~vzces <br />and fee proposed. T'he iotzo~~ gas approved <br />h~ a vote of four iii favor, ane appa~ed. Mr. <br />Pec;~l~ov~sl~~ was opposed. <br />~3} filing of esotnt~ion Igo. ~~~5 arnend~ng <br />~l~e or~t~ ~en~ en~ra~ ~eve~~~~en~ Area <br />~evelo~~ne~~ Sian ~an~ ~e~~~n~g a p~~l~e <br />l~e~rit~g for ~ ~:0~ awlr~., day ~ ~, ~D~7 oa <br />Resol~~ion N~. X325. <br />~C)MMIS~aN APP~L)VED THE REQUEST FO~~ <br />~'1~QI'DSAir FAR PC~U~'I:;55i0NAL SERVICES AND <br />ACCEPTED THE I'I~[~C'i~SAC. F1iaM DANC'H HERNER <br />& A~SDCIATES FC)]t `l`C-CC_•: C~1~,~ ~F S~:I~VICES AND <br />FEE PRaPC~SED <br />15 <br />