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o~~th fiend edeve~apl~nent omn~~ss~an <br />I~eu~ar Nlect~n ---Apr~~ ~a, ~a~~ <br /> <br />B. ouch den ~ntr~ ~ev~~o~~ent .ire <br />~I} ~'ommis~ion an~horiz~~~~r~ re~ues~ed from <br />'~uesie~ ~aZi ~~ ~e the forn~~~ ~~~.~ <br />~.i~er~i~e side Jr~e ~4, ~~07 from 4:0~ <br />~IIIIY. 1l f .ll~ BJ. Yl YY <br />s, .~,~~I-cnt I~ated that the T~es~ey ~Ia~ <br />~a t~~~ has rea~uested use ofthe fa~-~~ler <br />I~inl~ Riverside site far a s~~a~1, private <br />a~~tdaa~i gathering ee~e~~rating the fi~~~' teeth <br />a~~In~ve~°sary. ~`he errent ~. to take p~aee the <br />after~~ool~ a~ ~'~~urday, J~~~~e 14 fra~~ 4 p.r~~. <br />to 7 p.r~~. the part~~ers a~~d staff at ~'~~esley ; <br />I~~11 have bee~~ e~ce~ie~~t ~~erg~~~~ors ~vh~~e the <br />~'on~n~~ssio~~ staffed a fare dex~noiition. <br />pr. aj eet ~n their irnn~cdiate periphery, and <br />have been aecon~n~odting to the qty and its <br />eontractars when it was needed. For this <br />reason staff recomn~ends approving their <br />req~~es~. ~'~~ey ag~~eed to be res~onsih~e <br />fay- c~ean~~p and site eantroi, ~.~d leave <br />sub~~~I~tec~ p~•aof of ~~ab~i~ty eo~~e~•age a~~~i ~~~ <br />Il~del`I~nI ~C~.tiDl~ agr~el~ne~~t. <br />U~a~~ a ~~~otia><~ by Mr. Icing, seconded by <br />1VIr. Dames and ~~nani~no~~ly carried, the <br />omn~issian approved tl~e r e~~~et to ~~e <br />a~~nm~~Q~. o~vncd pro~cl~ty. ~fa>L~~1er Rink <br />I~~verSld~ Slte~ <br />~~} omml~siol~ a~~rova~ reges~e~ for <br />~roosa~ f~~ prof~~~ona~ s~~v~ce~ In the <br />ouch Bead eot~ra~ ~]eveopl~~n~ area, <br />~I~r~ve~ ~vo~~, 1 ~~ 1 ~] North ~I~chi~an ~} <br />s. Laurent Hated tl~at Danch a~~er & <br />Assaciate leas ~b~tted a proposal to <br />provide .~~~ 1~L~'~ survey for property at ~ I I, <br />1 ~~ ~, ~ ~ 5 and I I ~ ~ich~gan t. far a cost of <br />~~MINISSION AI'1~1~DV~l) ~~•j..~E:: ~~~;U~~I~ "I~~ ~7Ir <br />COMMISSION O~N~:I)1'E~C)1'EIt'I`Y, ~~Q~z~~~ ~~N14 <br />IV1v'R5I1~E SITE} <br />I4 <br />