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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting —May 24, 2011 <br />animal shelter. <br />Exploring other alternatives we believe would be <br />the prudent thing to do, especially since the <br />proposed construction of the animal shelter was to <br />be completed by December 2010. When the Board <br />of Public Works opened bids in June 2010, the bids <br />came in over budget and were rejected. Since <br />then, the plans were reviewed in order to seek <br />greater energy efficiencies. <br />In light of the 3rd phase of the St. Joseph County <br />Humane Society's 22, 000 square foot building <br />being worked on, we believe that discussions with <br />that organization would be appropriate. <br />Consolidation of duplicate services, especially <br />those paid with tax dollars, is a viable and feasible <br />goal. There is no doubt that our community needs <br />quality animal care and control services, as well as <br />a facility to house these animals. <br />We ask that the Redevelopment Commission accept <br />the challenge to work together with the Council in <br />addressing this need, so that the fiscal concerns of <br />the South Bend residents receive top priority. We <br />further request that this letter to read into the <br />record at today's Redevelopment Commission <br />meeting. <br />The Common Council extends an invitation to meet <br />with you at your earliest possible convenience to <br />discuss this important community issue in greater <br />detail. Thank you for your consideration. <br />Most sincerely, <br />Thomas LaFountain <br />3rd District Council <br />Al "Buddy" Kirsits <br />Council Member at Large <br />