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American Land Tide Associa <br />American Congress on Surve <br />on . Minimum Standard Detail Requirements <br />Ong and Mapping For ALTAIACSM Land Title Surveys <br />Sffoorwe 2/2312011 <br />8. Substantial <br />tunes observed in the process of conducting the survey (in addition to the <br />improvemen <br />and features requited under Section 5 above) such as parking lots, <br />billboards, sl <br />s, swimming pools, landscaped areag eta <br />9. Stn' ping, num <br />er and type (e.g. handicapped, motorcycle, regular, etc.) of parking spaces <br />in parking a <br />s, lots and structures. <br />10 (a) Datermin <br />' n of the relailonship and. kmilion of certain dUslon or party wells <br />designated b <br />the client with respect to adjolning properties ( dient to obtain necessary <br />permissions). <br />(b) Determine <br />n of whether certain walls designated by the client are plumb (client to <br />obtain necau <br />itypermisslo* <br />11. Location of ub <br />Wes (riepresentative examples of which are listed below) existing on or <br />serving the s <br />yed properly as determined byr <br />Observed <br />i <br />ovidenoe, <br />(b) Observed <br />vldence together with evidence from plans obtained fmm Way companies <br />or provided b <br />ien4 and markings by utility companies and other approprfat�s sources <br />Wh referen <br />as to the sovrr a of information), <br />+ Rail <br />d tracks, spum aW afdhVA <br />+ Manh <br />, catch basins, vain vaults and othersurface indlc ajims of <br />subie <br />can uses; <br />• Mr" <br />cabin (fnduding their Aincrmn, if readflyVentifreble) crow&V the <br />sunre <br />property, and aff poles on or within ten feet of the surveyed property. <br />w <br />exprassing a legal opinion as to the ownership or nature of the potential <br />en <br />en <br />m!< the dimensions of all encroaching uhiity pole crossmembem or <br />ovierh <br />s; and <br />• uWr2y <br />mpany installations on the surveyed property. <br />Notre - Vlrrmh <br />rd to Table A. <lem 11(b), source iriformakm irvm plans and markings wol <br />be combined <br />observed evidence of ufilities to develop a view of those underground <br />utilities. Howe <br />r, lacdng excavation, the exact location of underground features cannot <br />be accurately, <br />mpletely and rsllably depicted. Where additnal or more detailed <br />Information is <br />ulred, the client is advised that excavation may be necessary. <br />12. Gt7vemme17tal <br />tiCy survey- r0lated requirements as 4e00d by the client, such as Jbr <br />HUD surveys, <br />d surveys farrleases on Bureau of Land Msnagementmanaged lands <br />13. /� Names of adfok <br />Ing owners of platted lands according to current publlo records, <br />14. � Distance to the <br />sorest Intersecting street as specified by the clAmL <br />15 Rectified offlM <br />tograft,, photogrammetrlc mapping, a1rbomeimobr7e laser scanning <br />and other simll <br />pmducft tools or 1100hriclogles as the basis Mehowing the location <br />of c amain kteatL <br />(excluding boundaries) whersMEW mea&Vftf9 are not otherwise <br />Page 4 of 10 <br />Copyright 2011. AU rights reasrved. <br />American Land Title Association and <br />American Congress on Surveying and Mi <br />pping. <br />V 'd 6HP VU VL9 aaujq gouea Wy 19:jl jjoZ_61_Ndd <br />