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American Land I ltle Assooiaati n Minimum Standard Detail Requirements <br />American Congress on Su Ing and Mapping <br />For ALiA/ACSM Land Tide Surveys <br />Effective 2/2312011 <br />TABLEA <br />SURVEY RESPONSIBILITIES AND SPECIRCATiONS <br />NOTE; The items of Table A r#ust <br />be negotiated between the surveyor and client It may be necessary <br />f6r the surveyor to qualify or <br />and upon the description of these Items (e.g., in reference to Item 6(b), <br />there maybe o tie en ipretatlan <br />of a restriction). the surveyor cannot make a cerObation on the <br />basis of an interpretation or oion <br />Jdaired <br />of another party. Notwititstanding Table A Items S and I f (b), if an <br />engineering design survey is <br />as part of on ALTAIACSM Land 7110 Survey, such services should <br />be negotiated under Table A, <br />m 22 <br />If checked, the fol►owing opt <br />SURVEY, except as otherwh <br />t. Monuments A <br />comers of the <br />monuments of <br />2. Addr oases) Y <br />a Flood zone cia <br />Maps or the sb <br />plotting only. <br />4. —4 Gross land are <br />not Items are to be Included In the ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE <br />quaWed (see note above). <br />(or a •refierence,monumentorwl pow to. the corner) at ail major <br />dery of the property, unless already marked or referenced by existing <br />in Record Documents, or observed while conducting the survey, <br />Won (with proper annotation based on federal Flood insurance Rate <br />or local equivalent) depicted by scaled map location and graphic <br />(and other areas !f speoified by the diem. <br />S Verfbal relief w& the source of information (e.g. ground survey oraerial map), contour <br />interval, datum, and originating benohmark ldentftied. <br />6 (a) Current ;on <br />(b) Current zoo <br />space area <br />none, so. states. <br />7. (a) Exterior d <br />(b) Square tfoo <br />(2) oth <br />(C) Measured <br />h <br />location is ape <br />Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. <br />American Land This Aeaodation and <br />American Congran on Surveying and IV(>; <br />dassifrcadon, as pmvlded by the insurer. <br />clasa&ahan and building setback requirements, height and ftonr <br />dons as set forth in that classification, as provided by the insurer. if <br />of all bu#dings at ground level. <br />re of <br />or footpdnt of all buddings at ground level. <br />areas as specifFed by the client <br />IN of aH bufidings above grade at a l000don speciired by the client If no <br />sd, the point of measurement shall be Identified. <br />Page 8 of 10 <br />AMIN <br />LAND TREE <br />AU0 <br />ArsOCNTtON <br />-NSPS <br />£ 'd 61 IV PH VL9 ,lauJPH 43UPC WV IS: 11 1102- Et -Hdv <br />