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American tend Tine AE <br />American Cori ms' on <br />16. <br />17, <br />18. <br />19. <br />Ra <br />21. <br />22. <br />ion Minimum Standard Detail Requirements <br />Ong and Mapping For ALTAIACSM Land Tills Surveys <br />Effective 2/23=14 <br />necessary to ocate those features to an appropriate and acceptable accuracy ralative to <br />a nearby bW dory. The surveyor shat! (a) discuss the ramhrrcations of such <br />nrethodolog' (e.g. the potential precision and complet�sness of the data gathered <br />thereby) with he insurer, lender and client prior to the performance of the survey an <br />(b) <br />Place a note n the face Wf the survey explaining the source, date, precision and other <br />relevant qu d Mans of any such data, <br />Observed i <br />addltlons, <br />._ Proposed c <br />controlling, <br />repairs, <br />r -=i� =. _ <br />Location of <br />(a) ►_ocate in] <br />surveyed p% <br />and that are 4 <br />permissions). <br />Of currant earth moving work, building construodon or building <br />In street right of way lines, if infomtatron is avallab/e from the <br />Dn. Observed evidence of recent street or sidewalk construction or <br />Of S119 use as a sW Id waste dump, sump Orsanitarylandfill. <br />areas as delineated by appropriate auttforWes <br />imams within any otis?te easements or servfiudes benefrt8ng the <br />that are dsclosed in the Record Documents provided to the surveyor <br />and In the process of oonduc ting the survey (orient to obtain necessary <br />(b) Monumen placed (Wr a reference monument or wllrress to the cameo at all major <br />careers of any fTsite easements or saryftudes benedtting time surveyed property and <br />110"d in R Documents provided to the surtre}ror (client to obtain necessary <br />permissions). <br />Prvfessfonal r71ty Insurance policy obtained by the surveyor in the minimum amount <br />$ to be In effect throughout the contract term, CerIftis of Insurance to <br />be fumisW u n requea <br />Adopted by the Board of Gavembrs, Armrerican Land TWO Association, on October 13, 2010. <br />American Land Title Amxmiib i828 L St, N. W, Suits 705, Washington, D. C. 200301 <br />Adopted by the Board of <br />Di , National Society of pMf&N Surveys on November 14 2010. <br />NatiCmrral Sodety of Proiisssiona! ",,yore; !nc , a member organization of the American Congress on <br />Surveying and Mapping, S Mon mery Village Avenue, Suds 403, Garihersbulg, MD 20879 <br />Page 10 of 10 <br />CoPYrlght 2019. All tights reserved. <br />Amorlmn Land 119 AnociaBon and <br />American Congress an Surveying and <br />a <br />9 'd 611V 6£Z 61.5 uauaeH pupa WV Z9:II IIH -£I -NO <br />