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� 46 <br /> SPECIAL�:T�ZEETIidG--NGV�'tiiBER7, 1939, con�inued <br /> P,4R. PAVL'Y: Lavvs must be carried out and tve represent 104,000 <br /> people and you have no reason to be alarmed as lon� as you s�ay clithin " <br /> the 1 a�v. <br /> T.iR. �E�:�ER: You maintain i� is legal to keep a man out of employ- <br /> �ent if ne has not paid �is dues? <br /> �-SR. S��`JITZ�H; That does not enter into this. " <br /> ��IF�. BE��:ER: I think it en�ers in�o it very r:iaterially. It is the <br /> trJhole essenee of �his controversy. It is a question of �vhat is the <br /> right of individuals. Your rights are pretty tivell outlined by the ac- <br /> tion of the le�islature and the interpretation oi the courts. That is <br /> the laia. <br /> ly:R. S;�ITZ�R: That is not a question until it is a breach of law , <br /> and i� is not a breach of lativ to keep a man out of �rork. <br /> I�t'I'3. BEIaIr�R: Can you find any place in the law ���iere you have that <br /> right? If a man demands to go in and was not let in because he had not <br /> paid his dues, does he not have a right to demand assistance from the ;� <br /> police to get in under the la�;J? <br /> I I�ZR. S��JITZER: Under some circumstances. <br /> I! I�iR. BEAI�TER. Under these circumstances. I am talking abcut the , <br /> circumstances that existed at 4livers. <br /> I.2R. S�'�fITZER: ,�dhat do �re l�oti� about circusnstances? <br /> T:iR. BEl�?,iER: T arn talking about the circu�stances that e:�isted at <br /> the Oliver plant at tne tive are discussing,� <br /> P,ZR. S;'dITZER: It is not necessar� that I sta�e de�initel�. T�e <br /> burden is on you to justify your acticns in this case. <br /> rrqR. aGDEi�: Every tirie a person becomes behind in his dues, we are <br /> justified in calling a strike. �ile have our moral rights to maintain a <br /> strike. <br /> I!TR. ?�L�cE'."1ATT: VJe have a right to maintain peaceful pic��et lines. <br /> PrTR. BEAl�,'�r�: As long as you maintain a picket line peacefully, that <br /> isyour right. <br /> Iti?R. T.icE'�VAiV; �rJhat is a peaceful picket line? <br /> ?.iR. S�IJITZER: Let them ans��ler that. <br /> lrlR. I3Er'L4ER: You are an a�ttorney, Lir. S��itzer. <br /> T�7R. S'v�fITZER: I wontt define i� for you. You are the gentle�en tivho <br /> are defining our rights and it is up to you to tell us. Since gou en- <br /> force the layr that z�va�r, you should apprise the-se men ��rhat �rour policies <br /> ar e. v <br /> , <br /> TvIR. 14�cEI�dAi1; tiVho is the 2ggressor t^rhen you pu� a man through the <br /> picket lines? <br /> MR. S:`�TIITZ�R: Let the Board tell us, as the Boarct is the one ti�rho <br /> sets do�1n these la:�vs. Let them define �^rh�t is ri�ht. <br /> TJIR. BEt'�.T,TER: I understand a peaceiul picl:et line to be one that is <br /> rnaintained ��here a dispute ex�sts bet�reen an employer and his ernployees <br /> aa�d the employees pic�et for the purpose oi inforinin� the public of their <br /> demands, the nature of t�e controversy and e�orting per:ons not to go <br /> into the place of business, so long �.s no violence cr thre�ts are used <br /> to keep them out. I do not understand a pe�ceful pic�et line to be one <br /> Y�here people are l�ept our forceablg or by t��eats tivhere they have a lati�- <br /> f'ul right to enter. <br /> P.gR. S,�ITZER: You feel that it is an illegal p3.c�ret line ti�hen a man <br /> may go through tne line ti�vith a pass issued by the union? <br /> Ty�R. BEI�I�;ZER: I think it is a11 righ� to get a pass, but unnecess�ry. <br /> � Y�u have no r:iore ri�ht to dema.~�d that a nerson obtain a pass frc�n you in <br /> order to get throug your pic�et lines tnan you have to c�e:land t��at <br /> I s�zould ge� a pass bef�re I enter the City Hall. � <br />