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SPECIAL P;ZEETITdG--T��VEP;TBER 7, I939, continued �.F1 <br />� if an atte�pt is made by t�ese people �o bo in�o tine plant, ;�ou vlould send � <br /> 6,000 piclrets to the plant; �nd T,'r. S�irley also stated that no cne �ras i <br /> �;oing into that plant until everyone wen� in and if any atte�pt tiJas �nade to ! <br /> go in, that blood �vould be flovring dctim tne street. No��, isn�t that tr.ue, <br /> �p r. 37i cEwan`' <br /> Tv7R. �Tc�E�aJ.4I1: I tivasn't there vThen Shipley said that blood would be running <br />; datirn the street. � <br /> T�.TR. P�.V�Y: �ou �vere sitt�ng right next to nim. <br /> �TR. T�1cE'�JA.T1: VJhat he said i�as blocd �JOUld run dot^m the street if �ou � <br /> ' attempted to put those people throu�h the lines tirith the police. <br /> 1�ZR. P�VEY: That ma� have been the situat ion. <br /> P�'IR. P,�IcE��dAI�?: d'Jas there any demonstration on the part of the non-productive <br /> people to �;o throt:gh tne line? s`,lYio petit�oned �ou i or t nat kind of action I, <br /> to call on the Governor to as�� for troops? I <br /> i <br /> lYTR. P�.VEY: I went on my oc�rn hook. I didn 1 t go to ask for troops. I i <br /> vrent to inf'orr,i the Governor of the situation and to iind out ti^rhat we could � <br /> e�peet ii �. situ2tion did arise that vre cculd not n.andle. <br /> � T,iR. �?c.E:'t�l: I do not believe it is your duty to step -.�nto a dispute of � <br /> that kirid. �"�fe resented it very much. i <br />� ' <br />� ?��ZR. P�VEY: If the situation cvas repeated, I �vould do the sai:ie �hing. '� <br /> You said nc one is �oing into that plant until tney all go in. Didn�t ! <br /> 3Tou say th�.t? ; <br /> - i <br /> I,�R. 2�cEV�4Td: Yes, and here is another thing. t�de are going to fight to I <br /> maintain ot�.r organization 'as �rell as you are �oin� to fight to keep your <br /> administrat�ion. <br /> TrTR. P�.V�Y: You are tvell within your rights to mainta�_n your organization ! <br /> as an educ�.tional and proper union progr�n and :ve have no desire to deprive <br /> you of that , and we feel that proper organization of labor is � proper thing <br /> and �re havE no idea to hamper that situation in a1 y �ra�r as long as fou con- <br /> fine it to a legal and lawful methed. <br /> �TR. Mc E'�"JAN: �Je are going t o fight to maintain our picket lines and if <br /> that is our� only alternative, v�e are going to use it. If ive have a �roup <br /> of rnen that pled�e the�selves to our organizat.ion and pledge to pay some- <br /> t�.zng ever�� month, �.nd if a man decides to 1et us doz�rn, and when ti7e de?nand <br /> of that mar. that he live up to that obliga�ion, ���e ;et a picket line to i <br /> collect thE dues from him. If we cannot collect the dues that r�ay, then tive I <br /> ��ill call F. stri'_�e and der;iand a closed shop contract, if tive cannot collect ':. <br /> the dues tr.e cther vra�. <br /> T,1R. R��LSTON: If a man does not paT,r his rent, you �,o to cour� and get <br /> his furnitire set out in the street, but tive cannot ;o to court to collect <br /> our dues, vre must use a picket line. <br /> Py�. Pt.VEY: If you o�1e a �rocery bill, the grocer tvill go to court to <br /> collect it in a lawful manner, he vron�t try to collect it by keeping you <br /> frora your v�orL. <br /> T�iR. Pric:�tAiJ: Your grocer z�aill tell you that he svould rather see a <br /> picket line keep out five percent and keep ninet�-five percent of the men <br /> at i�rork th�n have a strike to keep out one hundred percent of the ::ien. ; <br /> T,�R. t��.TTF�'1S: Y'1lriat business did the Chief have at Olivers? There i <br /> �ras a �vatcY�an there vrorking for the Company and �e did not tell �he men <br /> to get off the proper$y. Chief Ingrar,� said, 'tPull him in here". I �vill ' <br /> swear to tY�at. I have twenty yTitnesses that tirill do the same thing. � <br /> Dcn't you think he vJas trying to �tart a riot. � <br /> p�. R�.LSTON: ti"Je are ooing to collect dues and �+re are ooing to maintain i <br /> an organiz�.tion in this city. If there vJas any riot, or any form of riot, <br /> I did not l�nc�r it until the C�lief of Police silotiTed u� and tried to get these <br /> men througYi. <br /> ��IR. ?��Z�.TTh'E�ti�7S: vJhat bus�ness did Ingra� have out tiiere �;iving orders? j <br /> r�7R. 5�,1'ITZER: In t�e paper last ni�h� �nere cTas inference �.ade that ��e ! <br /> vrere not ir.terested in the ad.ministration oi la;°T or the r�aintaining of la�t <br /> and order. ' <br />