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: ' SPECIAL rdIEETIi�1G--ivOV�.iBL`R 7, 1939, continued 4� � <br /> � <br /> T:�R. PAVEY: Do you think it is legal to bloc� the ingress or egress �o <br /> any place of business and ��eep people from goin� in cr out? <br /> T�. I,gcE��IAN: ';Then z�e put �ut a picket line, �ve do not put it around a I <br /> vacant lot. '1Je put it a.round a plant for a very definite purpose and vae i <br /> intend to acccmplis�h that purpose. :de are at tiTar rrith industry, and v1e ! <br /> intend to fight. '�1e never put a picket line around a place' unless tive feel i <br /> ti^re have a rtiajority behina us. You do not believe in mincrit� rule and �ve <br /> do nct either. , <br /> I.iR. BE1�'.'ER: You believe in minority rignts, don't you? <br /> P�iR. TScEI'Jl�s�: Yes, bu� in ina�ority rule. If a ma�ority demands a certain ' <br /> thing, tnat is their rights, but, of course, it tiTill affect a small Lninority. <br /> I�R. BEA�rER: You contend that an organization r�iakes the latvs for the <br /> co.nrnunity. <br /> T:IR. SI'iITZER: If our organization represents the riajority of the people <br /> and the thing, ti�hich �de demand is ti�hat the r�ajority wants, then tha� is the i <br /> lati^r of the conununity. ! <br /> :�,2R. BEA1.�R: It is your contenticn, then, Sti�ritzer, tnat if as a ! <br /> majority organization in any cor�munit;� fou decided to beat in the heads of <br /> the rest of the people o� the cc:nmunity, that vJOUld be you�.^ legal ri�ht and <br /> that tivould be the latiar of the corununity? ; <br /> I�;�R. S��dITZER: No, that would be in op�osition of a hi�her Iati7. , <br /> I�iR. PAVEY: Hosv man� people do �ou represent. <br /> I <br /> TvIR. It�ATT�3��`dS: �o�r r�1�y voters are there is the ccmmunity? � <br /> T.2R. PAVEY: I do not l�oti�r, but that i sn t t the question. I as�:ed ho��r � <br /> �any people do you represent? � <br /> ; <br /> I,�.R. r;1ATTHE�"�S: �ie have a r�.ajority of the vates. The vote is `rhat counts � <br /> ir_ an electicn. It is not onl� the member of our Union that counts. That is <br /> not here or there. i`de have, yve believe, tti�renty-tvTO or ttivent�-three thous�nd. <br /> Each person in our organization represents a f�nily. Each family has three <br /> cr four pecple in it, and �hrough our mer.2bef s �ye represent the i amilv. �;Je <br /> rep?-esent �.pproximatelJ 66,000 people. It isn�t the amount i_n the or�aniza- <br /> ticn that counts, but tiie ai:�oud�t that yre represent. <br /> I��R. R.�LSTGN: That is well established by the rieeting last night. �I <br /> There �vere about 2600 people there. i <br /> � i:gR. Sr�ITZER: Suppose the people we represent Vrould be better satisfied <br /> if the Chief t�as removed. Does that mean anythin� to you? <br /> � I��iR. PAVL'Y: Nothin�. I have no in.iarriation t hat ti�aould lead me to be- I <br /> lieve that a majority �vant hirn reraoved. I have seen no �ndicatien that the � <br /> C_-?ief has done anything bu� carr� out his lati•Jful duty as a lati^1 enforcement <br /> officer. <br /> It�. S'�JITZER: A �'Iajorit�T of the people �P�ant hir.m removed. They ;��oulc� be <br /> better sa�isfied: There tirould be greater industri2' 'r.�s� if the Cnief YJ�.3 <br /> rer.moved. <br /> 1'+TR. PA,�TE�': You must have a more tangible reason. <br /> i,7R. OGDEId; Isn�t it true that ;cu can find reasons if you are looking <br /> for them. <br /> T�R. BEAi,:ER: The Foard of Saiet�r must have cause to remove a police <br /> officer. ilo�r, tal�e t�.-is case ci Tes:ner, for instance, tirhich was brought up <br /> at �our r�ieetin� last night. Tesmer had a bad physical condit�on �vhich we <br /> l�evr about and ���iic� caused him to be off for six.ty days or more dur?ng the <br /> current ye�r. He ti�ras unable to carry out the duties of a police�nan. Knotaing ; <br /> this �Rre sent him to the Pclice Physici�n for an e�atnination. The Palice ; <br /> Physician reported, after tne ex�nination, that he had a bsd heart condition I <br /> and that he ��7as unfit ior police i�acrk and any undue exercise mi�ht I�ill hiri. � <br /> After receivin� this report, y�e tivent to Tesmer and sL��ested to him tnat he i <br /> . �o to the rension doctor for an examinatien and told him that we vJCUld abide ; <br /> I <br /> i <br /> � <br /> i, <br /> � <br /> . - - - ---- -� <br />