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4� SPECIAE� �rTEETIi�TG-��ICV�".�BER 7, I.939, continued <br /> P1IR. ?vtcE'�ifAN: Get�ing back to that Sanders strike situatzon--�here <br /> �tas a legitimate C. I.O. strike on there and the r�.N. of L. did not enter <br /> into the picture until after the police broke the pic�cet lines. <br /> T,IR. PAVEY: idob�r, that is not the case. lriatthetirTS ca�me to my office <br /> and told us the stril�e �vas on at Sanders Lumber Com�any and the strike <br /> srras called because of �he failure to rene�°r the charter, and instead ap- <br /> plied for and received an A.F. of L. charter through a man b, the name <br /> of Taylor at the direct�on of 'rJilli�n Green, President of the A.F. of L. <br /> in '��ashin�ton. Isn�t that correct, I,Iatthe�vs? <br /> P,�. iv�AiTi3E�i�TS: No, I didn't say the charter e.�pired. The charter <br /> lzad not been cancelled. I 9aid the contract nad expired. <br /> ��ZR. PAVE'Y: That is right. I meant the contract in place of charter. <br /> l;TR. I;TATTHEIVS: VJhen I came into your office I met these men cc�-iing <br /> out and I as?ced if they iJere t�ere for police protection and �,rou said, "No:' <br /> IrIR. PAVL'Y: I said they �qere here as to t�zeir rights about an elec- <br /> tion of the �sorkers and I asked: "Isn�t it an election tivas supposed , <br /> to be held?" and then you said, "Yes", but you would not �ive your con- <br /> sen� and that would mean thev �vould have to �o to court which �vould take <br /> rlonths for a decision and in the r.�eanti7::e they �vould have to keep the <br /> plant cicsed and the men �vould be out cf taorl: and the taxpa�rers tiRrould have <br /> ta take care of them. Isn�t it true the A.F. of L. represents a majority ; <br /> of the ti�rorkers? <br /> l�R. :�IATTHE`."dS: No, tnere is a majority belongin� to both organiza- ' <br /> ��ons. There are 23 bglonging to each organization. <br /> PdR. P AVEY: There are only 39 employees. <br /> rr�R. �IATTl-iE'�JS: ���le both claim to have 23 of therl. <br /> �;iR. ?�icEaYAi�l: Isn t t it true you called the A.F. of L. to see �Rhat <br /> they tivere �oing to do about it? <br /> T,TR. PAVEY: I called Turnock to see ti�hat the situation �vas. <br /> T�ZR. rsicE�J�'�,i�t: Turnock told r:me 3Tou called him to see �rnat he yTas going <br /> to do about �ne situation and that ne told �ou tha� it �ras your baby and <br /> not his. <br /> �iR. S'�dITZER: 'l,(hat you Gre tr��ing to do is to pin this do�Tn to one <br /> little thin�. It is a compilation of thin�s that have happened since <br /> the Chief took office. <br /> RiR. Tr7cE`:JAId: �Uhy did you sit do�Tn in Studebal�er Hall vaith us at the ' <br /> time of the Bendix s�ri��e and discuss the matter z�ith us and then the <br /> next day ask the Governor to brin� troops up here? <br /> 1,ZR. PAVEY: Tdoi�, before I anstiver that quest.�on, let� s go into the <br /> background for the benefit of these cther people as to yJhat led up to <br /> my going to Indianapolis . I did go to, Indianapolis. Isn�t it true, , <br /> P�r. PrlcEvran, that I eat down at Studeba?�er iia11 with the bar�ainin� com- ' <br /> r�ittee of the Bendix union, a Federal Conciliator, P;ir. Scherman, and A�'�r. <br /> Ralston, you �vere there, too. You told me gou� v�ere all my friends; that <br /> you �vere responsible for my election and I told you that if you srere my <br /> friends, you vrould not put me on the spot. You vrere keepin� out non- <br /> productive workers and management tivno �rere not members of �,our union and <br /> �ou k210tV that you vJere outside of your ri�hts. It rras only a r:iatter of <br /> time until a request �ras �oino to be :;1ade to pL�t these r�eople bacl� in <br /> possessian of the plant. I don�t l�oti� �vnen it is �oing to come or i1o�v, <br /> whetner by restrainir_g order, court injunction or demand by the people <br /> affected, but hoz�ever it came, and �vhen it ca-:�e, I had only one procedure <br /> to follovJ and that �ras to see that it ��ras carried out. <br /> T�ir. Shipley, Secretary cf the Bcndix Union, stated that people so_�e- <br /> times say I talk lil�e an anarchist. If I ti�as in your place and tne courts <br /> did 'nand down an in junction I would say t'to hell �rrith the courts. `� I told <br /> T��r. Shipley we held di�Iferent vie�JS. I still have respect for our ccurts <br /> and f or 1a�1 and order. <br /> �ir. Ralston, you stated that the Studebal�er ��orkers •��ere ativare of <br /> the condition at the Bendix plant and they have a legitimate cause and ' <br /> J� <br />