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SPECIAL P�?EETITdG---1`ZOVE4�BER 7, I939�continued � 4� <br /> Police. ;'df; suggest then a subs�itute. ;-Je feel this �an does not carry <br /> the� out tc� our advanta�e. T.Zuch has been said a�out increased eificiency <br /> in our pol' ce department. If there is this efficiency, ti�e are in favor <br /> of it, of c�.ourse, but it can be continued under another Chief as ,vell. <br /> P��R. P1iV�'Y: He pursues the policies laid dotim b;� the �oard of Saiet�. <br /> i;1R. S`:;ITZER: :'le y�ant one y�ho underst��ds ccmpletel�r South Bend and <br /> gets instrlictions from �ou, because he vrould be able to carry out the in- <br /> structions of the Board to our advantage and the advanta�e of the citizens. <br /> r.2R. B�,A:I�R: ?'lould vou sa;*, i;'�r. Sv�ritzer, tnat it z�as a bad thin� to <br /> brin� an olitside Chief oi Police �into axiy cor,�unit� because he didn�t under- <br /> stand the .�ocial bacl�ground of the com�munity? <br /> � T�,�R. S`=fITZER: '��i�ell - yes, I ��rould say that a Chief of Police should be <br /> thorou�hl� i�amiliar tivith the social cc�ditions that exist in a communi�y�. <br /> T�ZR. B'r:A;,iEZ: You have no doubt all heard of Tt�ayor I�iavrick of San Antonio,. <br /> Te:�as? - <br /> SeJITZ�.R ��D SEVER��L OTHERS; Yes. <br /> ?�;ZR. BF;A��ZER; :°Jell, did ;ou lr.norr ttiiat iTayor i;�avriek had hired as his Chief <br /> of Police, Captain Ray AshvTOrth, a very good friend of Chief In�ram and a <br /> mer.iber cf t,he `�Jichita depar�ment with Chief I�gram? '� <br /> IFZR. S�;�I^1Z�R: yJell, �z2ayor ��avrick would investi�ate and t^rould not hire ' <br /> a strike bz�eaker, or one �•�ho tivas unsympathetic with labor. <br /> LZR. BE,A�.i�: '�1e11, you contend that Ingra,m broke a strike in o'Jichita. ; <br /> If what �ot�. s ay is true, then he r�ras carryin� out orders and his i�nediate I <br /> super�or t�s.s Captain Ray �sh��rorth ZYr10 .vas on the �'ilichita force at that tir.le. � <br /> :.2R. P�.VEY: 1?oti�r tliere certainl� can be no misundersta�ding about my � <br /> position ir.. this mati;er. I yTent �n the air and it ti�ras in every netirspaper ; <br /> that if e1E cted, i� t^ras r.1y intention th�.t tne Police Department be re- <br /> organized, and I tnought it necessar� �o the entire �rellbeing of the citizens , <br /> of SouthBer.d that this be done. As to the methods used in that reor�anizat_onl <br /> and this i� said ��vithout reflection on the me�bers of the force, I felt it <br /> better to €et an outside int�n fer the jo'v. '�here can be no cempromise on <br /> the enforcement of the lavTS. I cast about to find the for �he job and I <br /> �vent into it very thorou�hly before �he man was selected. I vrrote to the <br /> Cnief of Pc lice in ';fichita, and to speak very fr�n.ily, the letter from Chief I <br /> '.'Jilson saic , "P,Iany cities do not zvant a �;ood Police Department, others wa.nt � <br /> them run pc liticallv and others �rant the Police Department run for the Y�enefit� <br /> of the administrat-�on, and before I �-rill recommend a rsan I would have to knotiv i <br /> what the pclicy of the administration is to be relative to lativ enforcement � <br /> r�nd the or�anization of the police departrlent. I �rrill not put a man rn <br /> the spot. " I timote b�.ck to Chi ef ;dilson that in the first place we want <br /> the Police Depar�nent reorganized and zve tvant a man thorou�;hly qualified <br /> cnd thorou�hlv schooled in modern police methods and one that would put <br /> the Police De�artment cn the proper basis for a ci�y the size of Sou�h <br /> Bend, and 2 person �rith the courage to carry it ov.t. It ti�ras not to Ue a <br /> political iootball. The Police De�2rt�ent ��ras to function on a �.nerit basis <br /> a.nd he i�rould not be hampered by any of the tlings outlined in his letter. I <br /> He cane back svith a recor�endation for Chief Ingram. He said there 19SS <br /> no questian about the Chiefts �eral courage and that he could recommend him � <br /> ti�it�out any Question. T;gr. Bea.�er ��rent do�rn and investigated this inan. i�,Tr. i <br /> � Ingram came here �or intervie�rs and his bacl:ground �ras investigated tnoroughly: <br /> A nu..Ynber of people talked to him and tve then decided he should corie here and ! <br /> take this job as Ci1ief of Folice. I am unable ta see tvh�r any one should � <br /> have any q�estion or fear about him as lonb as he stia�s �rithin the lav� �ae- <br /> cause this Boarcl and r.�.�self are under oath to see tha� l�:^rs are c�rriecl out <br /> for the benefit of everyone. There can be no ccmnroriise on the situat__on. <br /> i�n� lativs are not sat up in favor of an3r group or anST individuals and �^re are i <br /> just as anxious to see that they are carried out for ;our benefit as any j <br /> one elses. <br /> i <br /> T�,ZR. lv7cLtJAN; President of tne Bendix Union: Is it true th�t Chief In�ram <br /> is a relative of �Tours? There has k�een a lot of talk �oing around to that <br /> effect and I t�rould like to �ino�r. <br /> i <br /> � I�.R. PA�rEY; Absolutely not. I never izeard of the ?:nan until I received i <br /> the letter f'rom Chief i�lilson, that I just reierred to, a.nd never sa�r him until ' <br /> he came herF for an intervievJ late last December. <br />------ - - --- — - -- � <br />