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� 4� SPEC IAL I:TLETIT1G--t?CVEi�iBER 7, 19 39, c cnt inue d <br /> � <br /> T,TR. RALSTOTT; You are drawing ccnclt�sions on the Oliver case. Let t s � <br /> pasQ over to other condit-cns the sarie ricrni.n�. Le�'s refer to the , <br /> Sanders strike, that line t�as also broken. <br /> T�ZR. P,�VEY: It has been the policy that tivhenever there is a strike <br /> police are sent to keep order. T�,at goes back to the Singer stril:e, the ' <br /> sa�e tning is true of Sanders and has been true in every cther i�stance. <br /> p��. I�:ATTriE:'dS: There had never been police officers at the Sandera <br /> s�rike before last Friday morning. Slx carlo�ds cf workers v7ere 1et I <br /> throu�h by the police tiaho had pulled up on both sides cf tne gates and <br /> 1�� the cars �;o through. I knew LL11.J `/V�J to be done the night before. <br /> �"de do not �vant any riots. I still do not think police �-iould stick their <br /> ncses in tizis. Hov^rever, they did. Pickets are instructed not to smash <br /> cars or anything else. The city, throu�h its police, helped tal�e theni <br /> through. If that had not happened, this turmoil would not nave happened. <br /> These c ars had been par�:ed quite a ��ays ativay and tiviiile the police guarded <br /> the gates, the cars drove in. <br /> I�.TR. BEAI�r�ER: '��Je had a call t he evening before also and �arere told <br /> that the A. I'. of L•. emplogees tivere deterrnined to go to ��or�� Friday , <br /> mornin5. It is true �1e sent the police. The object of the police cars <br /> there ti�ras to see t'nat there 1^�as no violence. Qne car vras parKed ab�u� <br /> � b1�cl, from the gate, one t^Tas par'�ed north cf the gate on t he west side <br /> of the street, and one scuth of the gate on the east side of the street. <br /> TTOne of the police even �ot out of tnF,ir cars, isn►t t'r�at true, I�:Ir.l�atthevJS? <br /> P.iR. l�iATTN.E'odS: Yes, but their presence intimidated our pic.-�ets. The <br /> dis�ute betti�een the A.F. of L. and the C .I.O. onl� arose after the police <br /> helped the A.�'. of L. �et the r��en in. I think that only started trouble <br /> b;� having the police there. <br /> T{:R. BL'A��IER: Is it your contention, i�,Ir. P�iatthe�ds, that tiThen the ', <br /> police have information �here may be tr:�uble at any given place, that ' <br /> they ahould stay as far a�1ay frcm that place as possib'le: <br /> P,ZR. ��'IATTHE,d�: Do ;�ou send out police everJ tinie you thinl� there is , <br /> going to be troub"le some place? <br /> 141R. BEAT��ER: ;�de certainly do if �ve have enou�h men available. : <br /> PriR. r,I�TT:���fS: I expect trouble an�r time at my house. ,rJill �ou send <br /> out tv�o or three police cars? , <br /> P�ZR. BE��,IER: If we yTere advised, ti�e tivculd send eut sufficient police <br /> to take care cf the situat�.on. ' <br /> T:IR. S�:;ITZER: Getting back to the question nere, it is our contenticn <br /> tha� the presence cf the �rief here has caused labor and industrial _ strife. <br /> l�Tr. PSZayor, tal:e �our predecessor for instance, tvere there any industrial <br /> disputes in his adniinistration? <br /> T�IR. P�.VEY: Plenty of them. 3ant�m Bearing, r3ilte :�leb, C�livers and <br /> any number of therm. <br /> T.RR. S��ITZER: At vahat peri�d of tnat adrlinistrat�on rrere these � <br /> disputes? . <br /> P:ZR. FAVEY: V7e11, I can�t say exactl�. I can't remember the dates. <br /> ip'I�. S��IT3ER: �Jell, after tnat an agree�ent ivas reached `rith the <br /> oificials--- <br /> T�'IR. PAVEY: S�IYiat kind of an agreement? <br /> T;iR. S:"JIT�ER: �:dell, I den't just kno�v, but at least tilere was an <br /> understanding and C. I.O. came in and started organizing and labor was <br /> given the right without hampering of public efficials to carry on. <br /> Organized labor ti�ras allov�red to carrsmn for t he gener�l vrelfare cf the <br /> public. This man Ingrram is a very definite threat to our future securit�. <br /> V'de are asking that a substitution be made from the ran�;s of the -police <br /> department of Seuth Bend, or a citizen of South �end. I think vTe must <br /> consider several lavrs under tvhich ti�e must operate and t�e citizens of , <br /> Sou�h Bend ��nov� tn�t tnese latiFrs �re fle�ible tninbs, and tive must consider <br /> that tne giving of instructions to one Chief of Police does not mean that <br /> ti�ey will be carried out the sar.le as instructions �o ancther �hief of <br /> . � <br />