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(b) The Department of Human Resources shall prepare and implement a program to <br /> provide, on a periodic basis, sexual harassment awareness and prevention training to <br /> City employees as defined above. <br /> (c) Each supervisory employee is required to complete a minimum of two hours of <br /> interactive sexual harassment awareness and prevention training each calendar year. <br /> "Supervisory employees" for purposes of this Section will be identified by employee's <br /> Department and Human Resources, and generally includes any full or part-time <br /> employee with authority to hire, fire, demote, promote, transfer, or discipline an <br /> employee. <br /> (d) Each full or part-time non-supervisory employee is required to complete a minimum <br /> of one hour of sexual harassment awareness and prevention training each calendar <br /> year. <br /> (e) The training required by this section shall provide department heads, directors, <br /> supervisors, officials, and all full and part-time employees with the knowledge and <br /> skills needed to address instances of workplace harassment. This includes information <br /> and practical guidance regarding the federal and state statutory provisions concerning <br /> the prohibition against and the prevention and correction of sexual harassment in <br /> employment. The training shall also include practical examples aimed at instructing <br /> employees in the prevention of harassment, and shall be presented by trainers or <br /> educators with knowledge and expertise in the prevention of harassment. <br /> (f) The sexual harassment awareness and prevention training shall, at a minimum, include <br /> the following topics: <br /> (1) Definition of sexual harassment and examples of types of conduct that meet the <br /> definition; <br /> (2) The manner in which an individual can report an allegation of sexual harassment, <br /> including making a report to a supervisor,manager, or Human Resources; <br /> (3) The legal prohibition against retaliation against anyone who reports a sexual <br /> harassment allegation; <br /> (4) Information regarding the consequences of sexual harassment as well as the <br /> consequences for knowingly making a false report of sexual harassment; <br /> (5) Strategies to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace; <br /> (6) An explanation about the limited confidentiality of the complaint process; <br /> (7) Resources for victims of harassment; <br /> (8) The employer's obligation to conduct an effective workplace investigation of a <br /> harassment complaint and to take appropriate remedial measures to correct harassing <br /> behavior; <br /> (9) A supervisor's obligation to report any complaints of sexual harassment, of <br /> which they are aware, to the appropriate person in an effort to resolve the claim <br />