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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 11, 2007 <br />community. He pointed out that in fact it has been supported on the private side as well <br />as through fundraisers and voluntary bid contributions to the operations of the <br />organization. Mayor Luecke stated that they have chosen not to have Redevelopment <br />take on all the responsibilities of DTSB because he believes that they don't do it <br />particularly well. That's not to say that we don't have good staff people who can perform <br />exceedingly well as Marco and Jitin who are on loan to DTSB at this point. He doesn't <br />feel that's really the best use of government employees to do that on an ongoing basis. <br />There is added expense and added staff to the two loaned personnel from the city right <br />now that are part of the operating expenses of the downtown South Bend. They have <br />deferred this appropriation for several months in order to respond to appropriate <br />questions being raised by the Council. He believes that those questions have been <br />adequately answered and asked for the Council favorable consideration. <br />Dr. Varner asked Mayor Luecke on his travel to other communities if they were on a <br />volunteer bid or mandatory bid process. <br />Mayor Luecke responded that in Minneapolis/St. Paul it was a mandatory bid and in <br />Springfield he was not sure of what bid process they used. <br />Councilmember Varner advised that after speaking with Mr. Meyer and a number of <br />other people the reason that this bill is before the Council tonight is because DTSB which <br />had been spoken so highly of in the past had really become a dysfunctional organization. <br />He stated that DTSB seemed to become the kind of organization that had come to believe <br />that they were entitled to public funds and believe that they could run a little show <br />without public input, or adhering to the organizational and accounting rules which are <br />out there for "not for profit' organizations. Mr. Meyer had made a commitment along <br />with those other folks to get the financial issues in order. There have been steps within <br />the organization that have been taken or proposed. Councilmember Varner stated that he <br />is willing to give this organization who atone time had a pretty good reputation another <br />chance; however it is going to take some effort on their part. This is something that <br />needs to be reviewed on an annual basis, the sense of entitlement to public dollars has <br />become all to easy and all to common and the justification of the use and the approaches <br />of using those dollars is something that the Council has as a responsibility to do. The <br />need to have a year to year review is essential and the burden falls on DTSB to provide <br />the information to the Council. <br />Councilmember Dieter stated that he met with Mr. Meyer and Councilmember Varner <br />last week and spoke about what has driven the Council to this year long ordeal In light <br />of what has happened, everyone has been through a lot on this issue. Councilmember <br />Dieter thanked Mr. Meyer, Mayor Luecke and everyone involved with DTSB over the <br />years. He thanked Mr. Peczkowski for his diligence on this issue and hopes that he <br />continues to strive to make downtown South Bend a better place and hope that he <br />continues to make programs like this and others more efficient, transparent and more <br />beneficial to South Bend. Councilmember Dieter stated that it is fair to say that we all <br />have learned a great deal from this not only about the potential harm from a single <br />individual that is capable of causing chaos in the entire city, but also about the <br />importance of openness and creditability in government. Councilmember Dieter further <br />noted that it is fair to say that if this Council had not taken a tough stance this whole issue <br />could have been concealed to a point where the damage would have been far more <br />destructive not only to Downtown South Bend but to the reputation of the City. They say <br />that hind sight is 20/20, and if we are to see anything more clearly now that we have this <br />20/20 hindsight he hopes that above all else, above the politics the personal agendas <br />above the personal tikes and dislikes the citizens of our City expect all of us to be <br />responsible. He hopes that everyone can see here tonight in the end what has guided the <br />Council's action is that responsibility. While we may not all agree on the specifics of a <br />group like DTSB we almost agree that if the public is going to trust DTSB with public <br />money it to must be totally open, transparent and as much have that responsibility. He <br />hopes that this creditability that is the guiding principal takes not only DTSB forward but <br />to each and everyone in this City. Councilmember Dieter stated that he will be voting in <br />favor of this bill. <br />16 <br />