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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 11, 2007 <br />where the lion's are expected to win. Mr. Peczkowski stated that he has spoken to many <br />of the Council in the past and it's sort of intimidating to just stand here knowing that he is <br />speaking on a lost cause but, that has been the cause with Polish Patriots in the past. <br />Having had German's crush their country and face overwhelming odds is something that <br />he is not unfamiliar with either. DTSB has cost and continues to cost too much in tax <br />money to get a simple job done. He stated that the Council is being asked to provide <br />$225,000 to cover operational costs for DTSB's offices and staff On June 22, 2007, the <br />Commission to which he has been appointed to by this Council will vote on an additional <br />budget of $275,000 to cover DTSB beautification and enhancement programs. In <br />summation, a half million dollars of tax money. Looking at the contract that will be <br />entered into with DT SB shows some belated controls put in place to provide a semblance <br />of oversight for an organization that needed to be reminded that conflict of interest <br />clauses apply to not for profit groups that live off of other peoples money, taxpayer's <br />money in particular. If the controls are necessary in order to make DTSB comply with <br />ordinary public servant legislation and if increased vigilance is necessary on the part of <br />this council to make sure that tax monies are wisely spent. And if DTSB can be currently <br />run by two former employees of the Department of Redevelopment then DTSB already <br />has all of the earmarks of a City run governmental department. Why shouldn't the <br />Council simply place the duties of the DTSB back in the hands of the Department of <br />Redevelopment? The City used to administer the fagade grant program. The <br />Redevelopment Commission just awarded a contract two months ago for landscaping <br />contracts on city owned common properties at great savings to the taxpayers over what <br />was paid in previous years. A local group that would save us on this issue could be <br />contacted if proper bid procedures were put in place. Apparently the City can afford two <br />redevelopment personnel to take leave from their busy schedules to run DTSB on an <br />interim basis and to organize events while we continue to pay their salaries. Why not let <br />the interim Directors take this work back to City Offices already on the city's expense <br />account. A quarter of a million dollars would be saved by just closing the same <br />redundant office space. If not that, then a book entitled "Not for Profit Board Member <br />Handbook" published by the Grant Thornton International Accounting Tax and Business <br />Advisory Organization raises another possible option. "Most not for profit organizations <br />rely on fund raising activities to provide financial resources for their programs. Some not <br />for profit boards set minimum fundraising requirements for board members often referred <br />as to "give or get policies." For example to remain on the Board as member would be <br />required to raise $5,000.00 annually through personal contributions or by soliciting <br />contributions from others. Organizational fundraising usually includes annual campaigns <br />to support the operating budget and capital campaigns to raise funds for endowment and <br />facilities. DTSB as you have noticed has a huge board and has carried it for quite some <br />time. Why not institute give or get policies with the DTSB Board. Why has DTSB <br />enjoyed such a favored relationship with the City that it feels entitled to tax money as a <br />given. Several businesses in South Bend just in his memory including his has for many <br />years contributed significantly to beautification programs that are highly visible. They <br />have sponsored events in the downtown area that have attracted thousands of people <br />throughout the years. They have provided ambassadors on a daily basis to put a friendly <br />face on downtown merchants. They have made downtown a destination by providing <br />products and venues that are world class and unique. It has all been done without a single <br />dollar of tax money involved. If DTSB is worthy for doing the same sort of work that <br />businesses such as his and other have done in years past then please show him where to <br />send these people to sign up for the free rent program to which these businesses are <br />entitled to just as DTSB is entitled to free rent to keep their not for profit organization <br />going. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak in opposition to this bill. <br />In rebuttal, Mayor Luecke stated that he absolutely believes that the public/private <br />partnership is essential to the vitality of downtown South Bend. Mayor Luecke stated <br />that he has traveled around the country and visited many other communities including <br />most recently a trip with the Chamber of Commerce on an inner-city visit to Springfield, <br />Missouri, and what they found were other examples of business and government working <br />together to have a joint vision and a joint effort to improve the community. Mayor <br />Luecke states that he believes that DTSB is an appropriate example of that here in our <br />15 <br />