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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 11, 2007 <br />with the City's funding and understanding that it is a year to year thing. DTSB is now on <br />the watch and a few months ago you could say that the patient was day to day and it has <br />worked out from that and now apparently they are year to year and that's fine and that's <br />as it should be. DTSB should be able to come here a year from now and say that it met <br />its commitments and have the Council nodding in agreement that it did meet its <br />commitments and that's what DTSB will be trying to do. <br />Glenda Lamont, 211 S. Michigan Street, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she and her <br />husband have been residents of the downtown area since 1990. First at the Pointe at St. <br />Joseph and now at the Robertson's Building. Two years ago they bought the historic <br />firehouse on Hill St. and started her CPA practice thirteen (13) years ago in downtown <br />South Bend and last fall moved that practice to the firehouse. She stated that her husband <br />owns a business near Coveleski Stadium and has for the past twenty-five years. They <br />will be moving their residence to the firehouse later this year. Ms. Lamont stated that <br />they live the motto: "Work, Play, Shop, and Dine in Downtown South Bend." She stated <br />that they have a lot riding on the success of downtown and for that reason she became a <br />DTSB Board Member at the first of this year. She looks at the DTSB organization as her <br />neighborhood association. One of her goals as a DTSB Board Member is to make other <br />businesses and restaurants look at DTSB in the same way. From discussion with other <br />board members, she stated that she is not alone in her feelings that are a goal that they all <br />have. They know that improvements are needed and they have been making those <br />changes in the organization over the last few months to that end. What differentiates this <br />neighborhood association from some of the other neighborhood associations is that this <br />association is made up primarily of commercial entities, that have the ability to generate <br />tax revenues on many fronts, from real estate, personal property, and sales taxes to <br />payroll and corporate income taxes. That tax generation potential alone makes this <br />neighborhood association worthy of the City's continued support. The events of last fall <br />have consumed the time and energy of many people, the Council included. This has <br />delayed the progress of South Bend's needs. These events were certainly a wake up call <br />that things needed to change. The central business district needs an organization like <br />DTSB to represent and promote its interest. With input from members of the district <br />DTSB has the opportunity to evolve into that organization. The City's support at this <br />time in crucial so that DTSB can continue that evolution. <br />Heather Yarborough, Chicory Cafe, 105 E. Jefferson Blvd. South Bend, Indiana, stated <br />that she believes that the continuation of DTSB is essential in continuing the <br />revitalization of downtown South Bend. DTSB has helped her in many ways since the <br />planning stages of her coffee house. Events such as ART BEAT, St. Patrick's Day and <br />Football Fridays for which DT SB is responsible are very important to the downtown, <br />because it brings everyone together as a community and creates an economy of spending <br />that helps downtown merchants when revenues are down. Downtown businesses also <br />benefit from the downtown ambassadors who help keep the streets clean, aid and control <br />pan handling and generally beautify the downtown area. The appearance of the <br />downtown area has greatly improved in the past few years making a much more inviting <br />place. Creating an atkractive downtown and filling its empty buildings will bring in more <br />customers, creating more revenue for the businesses downtown, which creates tax <br />revenue and jobs. Based on her positive experiences, she believes that DTSB is the right <br />organization to continuing providing these services that make downtown a warm and <br />profitable environment in which to run a business. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak in favor of this bill. <br />The following individual spoke in opposition to this bill. <br />Mr. Kenneth Peczkowski, 509 W. Madison, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he owns the <br />Griffin Bookstore in downtown South Bend, located at 121 W. Colfax Street. Mr. <br />Peczkowski stated that his business has been downtown for thirty-one (31) years <br />continuously and he believes that he knows from experience what it is to work, live and <br />play in downtown South Bend and to do all his spending in downtown South Bend as <br />well. After following all the lions that have come before him speaking in favor of this <br />bill, Mr. Peczkowski stated that he feels like a poor Daniel going into the lion's den, <br />14 <br />