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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 15, 1981 <br />Hi -Speed Auto Wash Bid was signed by Nate Cossman,.non- <br />609 E. LaSalle collusion affidavit '';was in order and <br />South Bend, Ind. 46617 a certified check in the amount of <br />$350.00 was submitted. <br />Full Service, 0 -100 units /mo. $2.15 each <br />Full Service, 100 or more units /mo. 2.05 each <br />Wet Wash Only, 0 -100 units /mo. 1.65 each <br />Wet Wash Only, 100 or more units /mo. 1.50 each <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. '',Kernan and <br />carried, the bids were referred to the City Controller ',and the. <br />Police Department for review and recommendation. <br />APPROVAL OF CONTRACT - FIRST BANK CENTER SITEWORK (BROWN & BROWN) <br />Mr. Leszczynski stated that, in accordance with the bid awarded <br />for First Bank Center sitework on May 11, 1981, the contract of <br />Brown & Brown was being submitted for Board approval. The contract <br />was in the amount of $99,900.00 and was for concrete curbs, asphalt <br />pavement and sidewalks. Mr. Leszczynski advised that the contract <br />had been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Construction <br />Manager and the Director of the Department of Redevelopment. It <br />was noted that the required Certificate of Insurance, Performance <br />Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond were submitted. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. 'Hill and <br />carried, the contract with Brown & Brown was approved.', <br />SALE OF 208 CHAPIN STREET - BIDS RE- ADVERTISED <br />Mr. Hill stated that the Board had advertised for bids ''for the <br />sale of a city -owned lot at 208 Chapin Street. He said no bids <br />were received and the Board then received an offer at less than <br />the appraised value from Mr. David Inman, which was then submitted <br />to the Council for their approval. In light of the fact that some- <br />one else was then interested in purchasing the property the Council <br />did not approve the.offer and referred the matter back to the <br />Board. Mr. Hill made a motion that the Board re- advertise for <br />bids for the sale of 208 Chapin Street at the appraised value, <br />Mr. Leszczynski seconded the motion and it carried. <br />NOTE: Mr. Inman submitted, on June 11, 1981, an offer ',for the <br />full asking price of $1,160.00, however, it was still the Boards' <br />decision to re- advertise. <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 (FINAL) AND PROJECT COMPLETION <br />AFFIDAVIT - FIRE STATION NO. 11 DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS <br />Mr. Leszczynski advised that Rieth -Riley Construction Co. had <br />submitted Change Order No. 1 (final) in the amount of a decrease <br />of $1,243.00 to its .contract for Fire Station No. 11 Drive Improve- <br />ments which change order decreased the total contract to $18,029.50, <br />for miscellaneous items, thereby bringing the contract',in line to <br />reflect actual costs.. Upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, <br />seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the change order was ',approved. <br />Mr. Leszczynski submitted the Project Completion Affidavit and recom- <br />mended approval. It was noted that the Maintenance Agreement would <br />run to June 15, 1984. Upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded <br />by Mr. Hill and carried, the Project Completion Affidavit was approved <br />and the Maintenance Bond was filed. <br />APPROVE CONSULTANT CONTRACT FOR VEHICLE STUDY - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />A contract was submitted for Board approval for the hiring of a <br />Consultant to provide technical assistance for the collection, <br />tabulation and analyzation of data relating to a comprehensive <br />review and evaluation of vehicle- dependent city service's. Funds <br />for the payment for services will come from the Community Development <br />$rogram at a cost of $25.00 per hour for 240 hours, not'to exceed <br />6,000, for a six month period. Upon a motion made by Mr. Kernan, <br />seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the Consultant Contract was approved. <br />1 <br />