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REGULAR MEETING <br />JANUARY 19. 1981 <br />The reports of the Area Plan Commission, Community Development <br />Department.and the Engineering Department indicated that there <br />were no objections to the proposed vacation. Upon a motion <br />made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the <br />reports were filed and Vacation Resolution No. 3505, 1981, was <br />adopted and a public hearing set for February 9, 1981. <br />APPROVE RECOMMENDATION TO DENY TAXI CAB LICENSE <br />Mr. Kernan recommended that the taxi cab license application of <br />Leel Williams, Jr., 1129 Campeau Street, be denied based on the <br />fact that Mr. Williams` driver's license has been suspended. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by Mr: Hill and <br />carried, the recommendation to deny the license was approved and the <br />Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Williams of his right to have <br />a hearing before the Board on this matter if he so desired. Mr. <br />Kernan abstained from voting. <br />APPROVE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTY <br />(DISPOSITION PARCEL 2 -13, MORRIS CIVIC TRIANGLE) <br />Mr. Hill explained that the First Bank & Trust Company was interested <br />in purchasing the property in front of the Morris Civic Auditorium <br />for use as open -space or park land. He advised that the Board of <br />Works and Common Council had previously approved the sale of this <br />land for that purpose. An appraisal of the property had been made <br />of $39,958. Mr. Hill stated that the specifications for the sale <br />of the property would include a stipulation that the area remain <br />as park property. Upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded <br />by Mr. Hill and carried, the request to advertise to receive bids <br />was approved, with bids to be opened by the Board at its meeting <br />on February 16, 1981. <br />REQUEST OF MEDICAL FOUNDATION TO REMOVE HANDICAPPED PARKING <br />Mr. R. L. Markey, Administrator of Operations of the South Bend <br />Medical Foundation, submitted a request to the Board for the <br />removal of the handicapped parking area in the front of the facility <br />at 531 North Main Street, and a revision to a yellow loading zone. <br />In his letter, Mr. Markey explained that most of the handicapped <br />patients who come to the lab are one -time visitors and it is <br />impractical for them to obtain stickers for that purpose. He <br />further indicated that parking was difficult at the present time <br />because of the construction program of the organization. Upon a <br />motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, <br />the request was referred to the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting <br />for review and recommendation. <br />APPROVE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM CONTRACT <br />(NATIONAL SPINAL CORD INJURY FOUNDATION) <br />Ms. Marzy Bauer, Director of the Department of Community Development, <br />submitted for Board approval a contract with the National Spinal <br />Cord Injury Foundation for work under the Community Development <br />Program for a total budget amount not to exceed $25,000. It was <br />noted that the contract would fund routine program activities <br />through Community Development. Upon a motion made by Mr. Hill, <br />seconded by Mr. Leszczynski and carried, the contract was approved. <br />APPROVE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEAN -UP OF LOTS <br />A request from the Neighborhood Code Enforcement Office was received <br />for permission to have city environmental crews clean the following <br />lots within the city: <br />