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REGULAR MEETING <br />JANUARY 19. 1981 <br />COLFAX AVENUE (U.S. #20) AND PART OF <br />ST. JOSEPH STREET ST. RD. #33 <br />Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 4 of the <br />recorded plat of River Bend Addition to the City <br />of South Bend, Indiana as recorded in the office <br />of the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana in <br />Plat Book 31, Page "R "; thence South 890- 39' -54" <br />West, along the Westerly projection of the North <br />line of said Lot 4, a distance of 6.74 feet; <br />thence North 00- O1' -48" East, a distance of 0.68 <br />feet; thence South 890- 59' -14" East, a distance <br />of 112.42 feet to the North line of said Lot 4; <br />thence South 890- 39' -54" West, along said North <br />line, a distance of 105.68 feet to the place of <br />beginning containing 38.4 square feet more or <br />less. <br />Also, beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 3 <br />of said River Bend Addition; thence South 200- <br />25'-28" East, along the Easterly line of said <br />Lot 3, a distance of 4.11 feet; thence North 00- <br />00'-46" East, a distance of 3.94 feet; thence <br />North 890- 59' -14" West, a distance of 100.90 <br />feet; thence South 00- 00' -46" West, a distance <br />of 0.68 feet to the North line of Lot 4 in said <br />addition; thence North 890- 39' -54" East, along <br />the North lines of said Lots 4 and 3, a distance <br />of 99.46 feet to.the place of beginning containing <br />40.8 square feet more or less. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />s/ John E. Leszczynski <br />s/ Richard L. Hill <br />s/ Joseph E. Kernan <br />ATTEST: <br />s/ Barbara Byers, Clerk <br />Board of Public Works <br />ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 3, 1981 - DISPOSE OF OBSOLETE VEHICLES <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. Hill and <br />carried, the following Resolution No. 3, 1981, to dispose of two <br />obsolete vehicles in the Bureau of Housing and Building Department <br />was adopted: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 3, 1981 <br />WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Public Wooks <br />that the following vehicles are obsolete and deteriorated to <br />the point where repair costs would exceed their value: <br />Bureau of Housing - <br />1973 Chevrolet, Serial No. IK69H3J201388 <br />Building Department - <br />1973 Chevrolet, Serial No. IK69H3J258188 <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 186, Acts of 1967, of the Indiana General <br />Assembly, permits the sale of personal property no longer <br />needed or obsolete. <br />