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REGULAR MEETING <br />JANUARY 5, 1981 <br />Mr. Kernan advised that the above Resolution was required by law <br />and was merely a determination of the public utility. by'.. the <br />Board of Public Works, as it relates to the proposed General <br />Obligation Bond Issue. He stated that the Board has determined <br />that the Bond Issue would be in the best interestes of the <br />citizens of South Bend, and the Resolution was the first step <br />to be taken in the bond process and was similar to the resolu- <br />tion adopted by the Park Board for the Park Bond Issue. Upon a <br />motion made by Mr. Kernan, seconded by Mr. Leszczynski and <br />carried, the above Resolution was adopted. <br />APPROVE ADDENDUM FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES (CLYDE E. WILLIAMS - <br />STORM WATER DRAINAGE. FAIRFAX ESTATES) <br />Mr. Leszczynski advised that a storm water drainage system had <br />been designed for Miami. Road from Kern to Jackson, beginning at <br />North Falls Church Court in the Fairfax Estates Subdivision and <br />proceeding north to the existing retention basin southeast of <br />the intersection of Ireland Road and Miami Street. He stated that <br />a contract for improvement of Miami Street from Kern to Jackson <br />had been executed between the City and Clyde E. Williams on June <br />16, 1975, and it had since been determined that additional services <br />be accomplished regarding storm water drainage. He indicated that <br />the additional funds, which would not exceed $16,000, had been <br />appropriated by the Common Council. Upon a,motion made by Mr. <br />Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, the addendum to <br />the original 'contract with Clyde E. Williams to provide for the <br />storm water drainage system was approved. <br />ACCEPT LETTER OF CREDIT (ERSKINE MANOR) <br />Mr. Leszczynski submitted an Irrevocable Letter of Credit from <br />Erskine Manor Associates for the public improvements associated <br />with the development of Erskine Manor. He advised that the <br />Engineering Department had reviewed the improvements and the <br />cost and determined that the amount of the Letter of Credit <br />(420,710.00) was sufficient to cover the work. Mr. Leszczynski <br />explained that the city will,not accept a project unless all improve- <br />ments are completed or there is sufficient money available to <br />complete the public portions. He advised that letters of credit <br />are customarily accepted on such projects. Upon a motion made by <br />Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, the Letter of <br />Credit in the amount of $420,710.00, dated December 15, 1980, was <br />accepted. <br />APPROVE DESIGNATION OF PARK LANE ONE -WAY EASTBOUND <br />Mr. Ralph J. Wadzinski, Manager of the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting, <br />recommended that the Board approve the one- waying of Park Lane going <br />east from Lafayette to Main Street on a temporary basis through June. <br />During the summer', final recommendations could be made as to its <br />continuance, extension or reversion. Mr. Leszczynski stated that <br />the recommendation had come about as the result of a petition and <br />letters filed by the Madison Home and School Organization and the <br />Madison Bluebirds in the interests of the safety and protection of <br />the school children who use the narrow Park Lane and which street <br />has experienced an increase of traffic partially <br />hospital construction in the area. Upon a motion made by Mr. <br />Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, the recommendation <br />to one -way Park Lane going east on a temporary basis through June <br />was approved. <br />APPROVE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES <br />Mr. Ralph J. Wadzinski, Manager of the Bureau of Traffic and Light- <br />ing, recommended approval by the Board of various traffic control <br />devices, as follows: <br />1 <br />L] <br />1 <br />