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REGULAR MEETING <br />APPROVE COUNTER - <br />(1819 SOUTH KEND <br />R FOR PURCHASE OF CITY -OWNED LOT <br />STREET) <br />JANUARY 5, 1981 <br />Mr. Kernan advised that Mrs. Mary Schaar, 603 West Ewing, had <br />previously submitted a counter -offer to the Board of $250.00 <br />for purchase of the city -owned lot located at 1819 S. Kendall <br />Street. He stated that he had reviewed the counter -offer of <br />$250.00 and the city's offering price of $373.50, and he recom- <br />mended that the Board approve the counter -offer in order to have <br />the property put back on the tax rolls. It was noted that the <br />Council would have to approve the sale of the lot since the <br />counter -offer was less than the offering price previously established. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Kernan, seconded by Mr. Leszczynski and <br />carried, the counter -offer of Mrs. Mary Schaar in the amount of <br />$250.00 was approved, and referred to the Common Council for con- <br />currence. <br />FILING OF REPORTS AND ADOPTION OF VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3504, 1981 <br />(HARTER HEIGHTS SECOND ADDITION) <br />VACATION RESOLUTION N0. 3504, 1981 <br />RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, That it is desirable to vacate the following: <br />First east -west alley north of St. Vincent, <br />running from the easterly right -of -way of <br />Niles Avenue to the west right -of -way line <br />of St. Joseph for an approximate distance <br />of 200' in Harter Heights Addition. <br />Reserving the rights and easements of all Utilities and the <br />Municipal City of South Bend, Indiana, to construct and maintain <br />any facilities, including, but not limited to, the following: <br />electric, telephone, gas, water, sewer, surface water control <br />structures and ditches, within the vacated right of way, unless <br />such rights are released by the individual Utilities. <br />The following property may be injuriously or beneficially <br />affected by such vacation: <br />Lots No. 140, 144 & 145, Harter Heights 2nd Add. <br />Notice of this Resolution shall be published on the 9th & <br />16th day of January, 1981, in the South Bend Tribune and the <br />Tri- County News <br />This Board, at its office, on the 26th day of January, <br />1981, at 9:30 o'clock, A.M., will hear and receive remonstrances <br />from all persons interested in or affected by these proceedings. <br />Adopted this 5th day of January, 1981. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />s/ John E. Leszczynski <br />sJ Joseph E. Kernan <br />ATTEST: <br />s/ Barbara J. Byers, Clerk <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. Kernan and <br />carried, the Board filed the reports from the Engineering Department, <br />Community Development Department and Area Plan Commission which <br />indicated that there was no objection to the alley vacation; adopted <br />the above Resolution; and set a public hearing on the matter for <br />January 26, 1981. <br />Ll <br />I <br />