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i <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />The Assessment Roll lists $0.00 net benefits <br />to abutting properties. No remonstrators wer <br />written remonstrances were filed with the Boa <br />made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and <br />ment Roll was approved and said resolution is <br />ratified and confirmed and said proceedings c <br />NOVEMBER 24, 1980 <br />.nd $0.00 net damages <br />present and no <br />-d. Upon a motion <br />carried, the Assess - <br />in all things <br />.osed. <br />PUBLIC HEARING ON SUSPENSION OF TRASH HAULER'S LICENSE <br />Mr. McMahon noted that complaints had been re <br />concerning the operation of a trash business <br />area by Mr. Robert B. Weymon, specifically in <br />the residence at 1620 South William Street. <br />operation of the trash business was in violat <br />Code and a certified letter had been sent to <br />14, 1980, informing him of the possibility of <br />license by the Board at this public hearing. <br />that, since the Board had not received the re <br />mail signed by Mr. Weymon, there was some que <br />not he had received the notice sent to him. <br />discussion on whether or not to proceed with <br />since Mr. Weymon was not in attendance nor wa <br />this matter. Mr. McMahon asked the Legal Dep <br />the possibility of personally serving notice <br />he suggested that the matter be continued to <br />of the Board for that reason. Mrs. John Zeml <br />spoke in objection to the practice of Mr. Wey <br />city force him to stop operating his trash bu <br />tial area. <br />APPROVAL OF PROJECT COMPLETION AFFIDAVITS (FI <br />Mr. McMahon noted that Standard Mechanical, I <br />Corporation had submitted for Board approval <br />Affidavits for work done on the construction <br />Mr. McMahon stated that a Waiver of Lien and <br />struction from both contractors had been file <br />advised that the contracts have been complete <br />been found to be in order. Upon a motion mad <br />by Mr. Hill and carried, the Project Completi <br />Mechanical, Inc. and Colip Electric Corporati <br />APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 - DYE PLUMB <br />(FIRST BANK CENTER) <br />Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $6,766.94 <br />Heating was submitted for Board approval. Th <br />contract was necessary because of revisions i <br />and increased the contract price to $89,766.9 <br />that the Construction Manager and Architect b <br />order and found it to be in order and recomme <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconced by Mr. K <br />change order was approved. <br />APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NOS. 3 AND 4 - KO <br />(FIRST BANK CENTER) <br />Mr. McMahon stated that Koontz - Wagner was sub <br />No. 3 for a decrease of $234.86 in electrical <br />portion of First Bank Center. Mr. McMahon no <br />price would be revised to $70,718.06. Also b <br />Change Order No. 4 for an increase of $1,023. <br />contract price for work on the Garage portion <br />McMahon explained that the change orders were <br />of electrical modifications in conduit lines <br />orders had been reviewed and recommended for <br />Construction Manager and Architect. Upon a m <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, <br />orders were approved. <br />eived by the Board <br />n a residential <br />the vicinity of <br />.e stated that the <br />.on of the Municipal <br />[r. Weymon on November <br />suspension of his <br />Mr. McMahon stated <br />eipt for certified <br />tion on whether or <br />'here was a brief <br />he public hearing <br />he represented in <br />.rtment to look into <br />.pon Mr. Weymon, and <br />he December 8th meeting <br />-ak, 1903 South Franklin, <br />ion and asked that the <br />iness in her residen- <br />RE STATION NO. 11) <br />nc. and Colip Electric <br />Project Completion <br />of Fire Station No. 11. <br />a Guarantee for Con - <br />d with the Board. He <br />d and the project has <br />e by Mr. McMahon, seconded <br />on Affidavits for Standard <br />on were approved. <br />AND HEATING <br />from Dye Plumbing and <br />increase in the <br />the sanitary lines <br />Mr. McMahon stated <br />d reviewed the change <br />ded approval. Upon a <br />rnan and carried, the <br />- WAGNER ELECTRIC <br />mitting Change Order <br />work on the Atrium <br />ted that the contract <br />eing submitted was <br />04, making the new <br />$125,899.85. 14r. <br />necessitated because <br />and that both change <br />approval by the <br />otion made by Mr. <br />the above change <br />C <br />