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_.L <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />NOVEMBER 24, 1980 <br />petition representing more than 50% of the taxpayers who were <br />opposed to the sewer construction. He referred to the petition <br />previously submitted by Mr. Gosztola in favor of the project and <br />stated that some of those names were not taxpayers. Upon a motion <br />made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the <br />petition was filed. Mr. McMahon explained to Mr. DeRyckere that <br />the law specifies "property owners" and the church if it owned <br />property would have a vote on the matter. Mr. DeRyckere explained <br />that the petition submitted by Mr. Gosztola included the names of <br />the people living on the church property. Mr. Fred Ullery, 734 <br />East Ireland Road, stated that there were nine property owners <br />on Hawbaker Street, five of whom were against the sewer project. <br />He stated that it had been explained to the residents originally <br />that the petition being submitted to the Board was merely an inquiry <br />for a cost estimate and not an indication of their support of the <br />project. He stated that he was opposed to the project. Mr. McMahon <br />explained that the Engineering Department would review the petitions <br />filed and check the property owners in the area. He stated that <br />it appeared the Bullards signed both petitions, and he stated <br />that if they were opposed to the project, they should contact the <br />Board and so inform it. He stated that the Board would make a <br />decision on whether or not to proceed with the sewer project at <br />the December 8th meeting of the Board, and this determination would <br />be based on the wishes of the majority of the property owners. Upon <br />a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the <br />matter was continued to the December 8th Board meeting. <br />VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3500. 1980 - CONFIRMED (JACKSON STREET <br />This was the date set for holding a public hearing on Vacation <br />Resolution No. 3500, 1980, for the vacation of Jackson Street <br />from Prairie Avenue north to the first east -west alley north of <br />Prairie Avenue. The Clerk tendered proofs of publication of <br />notice in the South Bend Tribune and the Tri - County News which <br />were found to be sufficient. It was noted that a notice had been <br />sent to all property owners in the vicinity of the proposed vacation <br />and letters had been received from the various city agencies <br />indicating that there was no objection to the proposed vacation. <br />Mr. Bela Keresztes, 1969 Prairie Avenue, stated that he desired <br />to have the street vacated since it had been laying idle for many <br />years. Mrs. Virginia Wolford, 1908 South Jackson, stated that <br />she was in favor of the vacation since the road was only being <br />used by speeding motorcyclists and was a dumping ground for trash <br />and garbage. Mr. Albert Kovacs, 1605 South Jackson, stated that <br />he was the owner of the Budapest Knight Restaurant and he was <br />supporting the vacation of the street. There was no one present <br />to remonstrate against the vacation. There was a question raised <br />regarding the vacation and how it would revert to the property <br />owners. Mr. Keresztes stated that the city had previously taken <br />his property for the street. Mr. McMahon stated that, if what <br />Mr. Keresztes stated was true, the vacated portion of Jackson <br />Street probably would revert back to him. Upon a motion made by <br />Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the Board confirmed <br />the Vacation Resolution and ordered preparation of the Assessment <br />Roll to be filed on December 1, 1980. <br />ASSESSMENT ROLL HEARING - VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3498, 1980 <br />(BENDIX DRIVE) <br />This being the date set, hearing was held on the Assessment Roll <br />with respect to Vacation Resolution No. 3498, 1980, for the vacation <br />of Bendix Drive from the southerly line of the Conrail Railroad <br />right -of -way to a point 489 feet northeast, and the first east <br />west alley south of Linden Avenue from Bendix Drive to a point <br />approximately 135 feet east, City of South Bend. The Clerk <br />tendered proofs of publication of notice in the South Bend <br />Tribune and the Tri- County News which were found to be sufficient. <br />