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REGULAR MEETING <br />NOVEMBER 24, 1980 <br />APPROVAL OF MICHIANA AREA C.E.T.A. CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT <br />Mr. Hill explained that the agreement included all C.E.T.A. slots <br />assigned to the city, and the Mayor would now be the executing <br />agency for the city. The Consortium Agreement being submitted <br />for Board approval would make the city current and up -to -date <br />with the new management of C.E.T.A. services. Upon a motion <br />made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the agreement <br />was approved. <br />APPROVAL OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.PROGRAM CONTRACTS <br />Ms. Marzy Bauer, Director of the Department of Community Development, <br />submitted for Board approval the following contract for work under <br />the Community Development Program: <br />Southold Heritage Foundation, Inc. $ 24,000.00 <br />Bureau of Substandard Buildings 90,000.00 <br />Department of Public Parks 30,000.00 <br />Bureau of Housing 450,000.00 <br />She explained that the above figures represented administrative <br />costs for Southold Heritage Foundation, Substandard Buildings and <br />the Bureau of Housing, and the $30,000.00 for the Park Department <br />would be used for equipment. Mr. McMahon noted that the contracts <br />would fund routine program activities through Community Development <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, <br />the above contracts were approved. <br />APPROVAL OF AUTHORIZATION FOR REPAIR OF SIDEWALKS <br />Mr. Hill explained that, as a result of complaints brought to the <br />attention of the city concerning certain damaged sidewalks, a notice <br />to repair the sidewalks had been sent to the property owners of <br />425 North St. Louis Boulevard, 509 North Eddy and 1811 West Ford <br />Street, in accordance with the Municipal Code. He explained that <br />failure to repair the sidewalks, which had been determined to be <br />a safety hazard for pedestrians, necessitated further action by <br />the city, and he requested that the Board authorize the city to <br />proceed with the necessary repair work and place a lien against <br />the property. He stated that the building at 1811 West Ford was <br />vacant as a result of being burned. Upon a motion made by Mr. <br />Hill, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, authorization for the <br />city to proceed with the necessary repair work at the above loca- <br />tions was approved. <br />APPROVE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS - ANGELA HILL AND IRONWOOD DRIVE <br />Mr. Neil A. Shanahan, Manager of the Bureau of Public Construction, <br />requested approval from the Board to advertise to receive bids <br />for the installation of guardrails on Angela Hill and on the west . <br />side of Ironwood Drive south of Pleasant Street and the bridge. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and <br />carried, approval was given. <br />APPROVE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS - TOWING AND STORAGE OF ABANDONED VEHICLES <br />Mr. Kernan explained that the city is presently under contract with <br />Steve and Gene's Auto /Truck Salvage and Repair for the towing and <br />storage of abandoned vehicles valued at over $100. He stated that <br />vehicles valued at less than $100 are also towed and stored at the <br />Olive Street Pumping Station. He explained that the city was <br />attempting to get out of the business of storing automobiles, and <br />it was the city's decision to specify in the bids that one price <br />be set for towing and storage fees irregardless of the amount of <br />time the vehicle is held. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, the request to advertise for <br />bids was approved. <br />